Aquarium Field Trip

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(Chapter Art Coming Soon)

A/N: Well this one was a long time coming. Sorry I haven't been posting a short in such a long time. It was due to school and the fact that I wasn't having much ideas till now. This one is another short featuring my OC Bluebell and it's mostly about Her and Squirt even if at first it does seem like it. After writing this, this short has become the longest short I've written here so I hope you're excited! Anyways, without further ado, here's the short!


Monday, December 10th:

"Have a good day, you two." Marlin said, waving to Nemo and Bluebell as they got out of the car. "Bye Fabio! Bye Chantel!" Dory hollered from the passenger seat next to Marlin. The two kids chuckled. "It's Bluebell." Bluebell corrected. "And Nemo." Nemo added. The two said their goodbyes and headed inside the building after seeing Marlin drive away. The bell didn't ring so they had time to find their friends by their lockers. The first person to find them was Squirt. "Dude! Dudette! How are you guys?" Squirt and Nemo as usual did their hand shake, ending it with a "duuuude". "You know, if you two keep smacking your noggins like that, it'll probably cause damage." Bluebell commented making Nemo laugh. "That's cause Squirt has a skull of steel."

He jokes making Squirt playfully punch Nemo's arm.  Squirt then went over to Bluebell and gave her a hug like usual. She was offered to do the hand shake as well but she didn't want to hit her head so the two settled for a hug. "Guys! The field trip's today!" Hollered Sheldon as he made his way towards the group with Tad. "Got your forms signed?" Asked Tad, he and Sheldon holding up their forms signed by their dads. Nemo, Bluebell and Squirt nodded, holding up their forms, Squirt's signed by his father, Crush and Nemo and Bluebell's both signed by Marlin. "Awesome! I can't wait to get to the aquarium!" Said Sheldon excitedly. "They don't have any sharks or nothing scary right?" Bluebell asked nervously.

"Yep! They got loads of sharks and eels. They only keep them in the back so they don't scare off and unsuspecting customers." Tad explained lurking up toward Bluebell, making her shiver. "Boo!" Yelled Tad. Bluebell yelped, tripping backwards, but instead of the hard floor hitting her back, Squirt caught her, with his arms under hers. "Tad, I think we get it." He said helping Bluebell up to her feet and set a hand on her shoulder. "He's just joking with you, they don't keep any sharks, or eels or anything like that there." Squirt assured Bluebell. She sighed in relief. "I know I know, but I wish they did. It'd be super cool!" Tad huffed. "What about the sea turtles? They're much more cooler." Said Squirt. "Eh, I guess but they don't have any sharp teeth or can sting you." Argued Tad.

"But they do have their shells." Stated Squirt. "Guys, I think you should really be anticipating the jellyfish." Everyone turned around and found Pearl, signed form in hand. "Finally! What took you so long?" Asked Tad. "I had to find my camera." She explained, pulling her camera out of the bag. It was one of those cheap ones that you'd get at a convenient store. "I brought two, in case something happened to the first one." She pulled out the second camera, identical to the first. "It was kind of a struggle putting them in my bag because of how small it is. That's why I was late." "Oh, you want me to hold one for you?" Nemo offered. Pearl blushed. "Sure, here." She said, handing Nemo her spare camera. He placed the camera safely in the front pocket of his bag.

"I think the bell is about to ring, we should probably start-" Sheldon started before the bell rang. "-heading to class..." Everyone started to rush past Sheldon heading to class, even Bluebell, who kept her ears covered because of the loud bell and crowd of students. "Hey! Wait for me!" Sheldon called out, running after his friends. They made it inside the class room and sat down at their table like normal. Before the late bell rang, Sheldon burst through the door, sweating and panting. "Stop! Hold it, I'm not late!" He hollered, causing everyone to look at him. Sheldon chuckled nervously and headed towards the table where his friends were and sat next to Tad. "That's our Sheldon, surprisingly always on time." Tad whispered to the others, audible enough for Sheldon to hear and blush at his statement. "I-I don't know if that was meant to be a compliment or an insult."

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