"It's a long story.." (Gavin x RK900)

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Characters in this story: Conan & Gavin.

This story contains Gavin x RK900 moments.

Warning: Swearing.


Gavin stared into space as he sat at his desk, not really wanting to do his work. He noticed Connor enter the offices and smirked as he stuck his foot out, tripping the android. Connor winced as he hit the floor and looked up at Gavin with a frown. Gavin just laughed at the pitiful position Connor was in, but then he froze when he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Conan.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he said in a soft but also rather threatening tone. Gavin huffed, crossing his arms and mumbling a quiet "whatever, dipshit". Connor got up and just went over to Hank where he wouldn't be bothered by Gavin. Conan sat down at the desk opposite Gavin and logged onto the computer, checking through recent cases. Gavin hated how he always seemed to strive to be better than him, it sucked to be out-worked by a god damn android. He didn't realise how deep in thought he'd been until a hand was snapping its fingers in front of Gavin's face. Gavin glanced up and realised it was Conan trying to get his attention.

"Ah, there we go," Conan said as he got Gavin's attention, "I found a recent case not too far from here, a human couple and their android friend murdered in their own home by a rogue android. Seems like a good case to start the day off with," he said in his usually monotone voice. Gavin just nodded, not really caring much, Conan usually did all the work anyway. Gavin and Conan got up after Conan got the GPS directions. They went to Gavin's car and got in, beginning the journey.

The drive was rather quiet, only the light hum of the radio making any noise. This was fine for both men, they seemingly hated each other's company anyway. Conan turned his head and began to analyse Gavin, just out of habit. He hadn't noticed this before, but Gavin had a barely noticeable scar on his nose, Conan was curious about how he got that scar.

"...Detective, may I ask you a personal question?" he began. Gavin gave him a strange look, raising his eyebrow. He didn't really want to answer any questions this stupid piece of plastic had to ask but what harm could it do?

"Uh, sure, but make it quick, dipshit," he mumbled, using the insult he usually called him. Conan thought of how to phrase it to have the best outcome, but eventually decided to just be straight forward,

"How did you get that scar on your nose?" he asked. Gavin immediately tensed up, looking rather uncomfortable. Conan noticed this and felt that he'd probably crossed a line. Gavin sighed, not answering straight away which was rather odd. He'd usually at least insult him by now. Eventually he does answer.

"It's a long story..." he mumbled quietly, concentrating on the road. Conan noticed that Gavin was rather quiet about it and came to the conclusion to apologise.

"I'm apologise if I've crossed a line, Detective. I was merely curious but I can see you are uncomfortable about the subject. If you prefer we can forget about the matter," he said, expecting a snarky remark from Detective Reed in return, but all he got was a small mumble of "it's fine". This majorly confused Conan, why wasn't Gavin being his usual rude self? He didn't have time to ask as they pulled up to the crime scene.

It took a few hours to analyse the scene and eventually they got all the evidence they needed. Gavin was rather quiet the whole time, concerning Conan rather a lot. He didn't hear a single insult come from Gavin's mouth. Conan stood still for a moment with his eyes close to report the non-physical evidence back to the station, after that he and Detective Reed got back in the car. Conan looked at Gavin and analysed that his stress levels were at 35%.

"Detective? Your stress levels are up to almost 40%, if it's because of the question I asked earlier then I'm sorry if I brought up any bad memories. Please try to forget about it," he said in what he believed was a comforting tone. As much as he hated Gavin, it was weird not to see his usual cocky self. Gavin shook his head.

"I'm just trying to think of a way to explain it," he mumbled before asking, "are androids judgemental?" Conan was slightly confused as to why Gavin would ask that but answered anyway.

"Androids are not built to have opinions, but since the revolution androids have developed preferences. If you're wondering if I will judge you by anything you say then you have nothing to worry about, I don't judge people by their pasts or what they like or don't like," he replied. Gavin just nodded and thought for a moment, thinking of how to phrase it.

"Well, um, I got my scar back when I was in my teens. I got caught... making out with another guy in my class. All my classmates were homophobic, I got severely beaten up for it. They cut my face, wrote all over me in permanent marker, kicked and punched me until I fell unconscious. When I woke up I was in the hospital," he mumbled, a distant look on his face. Conan reached over and gently placed a hand on Gavin's shoulder, making the usually rude man jump.

"W-What are you doing?" he asked, giving Conan a strange look. Conan's reply was straightforward.

"From what I've observed, this is a form of comfort that humans use when one person is in a state of distress or discomfort. Another form would be that of a hug but I feel that it would be rather invasive due to the stature of our relationship," he said, retracting his hand, "I apologise if that was unwanted, I will note that for future events."

Gavin huffed, "Well... I didn't mind it. Also don't tell anyone back at the station what I told you, you're literally the first person I've ever told about that," he mumbled. Conan actually smiled at that.

"I'm flattered that you trust me with your story. I'll, in metaphorical terms, keep my lips sealed." He said, before realising something in what Gavin had said before, "Hey, Detective?" he began and Gavin looked over to him with a raised eyebrow.


"You referred to me as a person, not just a piece of plastic," he pointed out with a grin. Gavin's face immediately flushed red with embarrassment.

"S-Shut up, asshole!" he said quickly, making Conan grin more.

"There's the Detective I know so well."

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