Jericho High

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Characters in this story: Hank, Connor, Colin, Conan, Colton, Gavin, the majority of Jericho as students, mentions of other characters.

- High School AU -  

I would also like to apologise if I get anything wrong with the school systems, I'm basing it off of US School Grades and I live in the UK, so I had to google this shit lol.



"Hurry the fuck up or you're all gonna be late!!" Hank yelled from the front door, car keys in hand and ready to go. The summer holidays had just finished and now it was the time that all students hated the most: going back to school. Connor, Colin and Conan hopped up from the couch and immediately grabbed their backpacks when Hank yelled out, not wanting to be late for their first day back after the holidays, Colton on the other hand was stuffing his face with toast, not really giving a shit about the time. In the end, Colin had to drag him out of the door, a piece of toast still half hanging out of his mouth.

Once all five of them were eventually in the car, Hank checked the time once again before starting up the vehicle and driving down to local high school, trying to go fast enough so that they wouldn't be late but not fast enough to break the law.

This would be Connor, Colin and Colton's Senior year at Jericho High, but only Conan was only in 10th Grade, making him two years younger than the others. They still couldn't believe their youngest brother was the tallest in the family, they were still trying to find out what kind of sorcery he'd used to grow so tall.

Hank pulled up in the parking lot and stopped in a space near the front of the school, putting the car into park and waited for the four to get out of the car.

"Alright, you four have fun. No getting into trouble- yes that includes you Colton, don't whine." Hank said before giving them all hug through the car window, saying goodbye for now. Hank waved to them before driving off, probably going to relish the peace and quiet he got now that they were at school for the rest of the day.

They began to walk up to the fairly large building before they were interrupted by three individuals bumping into them, they apologised quickly though. Luckily the brothers recognised the three; Ralph, Rupert and Jerry, all three of them were good friends with Colin. Colin had bonded with them over their love of nature and animals and stuff like that.

"Hi guys! I've missed you lot so much over the holidays!" Colin said happily while hugging them all like the big sweetheart he was.

"We've missed you too! I was hoping we'd catch you before lessons start," Jerry said with a wide smile, Rupert nodding in agreement.

"Ralph has bought presents for all of his friends! Ralph has already given Jerry and Rupert presents, so here's Colin's!" Ralph said before handing a neatly wrapped present over to Colin. Colin smiled widely and thanked him. Ralph was always giving his friends presents, it was just a thing he liked to do. Colin turned back around to face his brothers.

"I'm gonna hang out with my friends, see you later!" He said to them before walking off across the grass with his friends, chatting happily amongst them. The other three brothers said bye before heading into the building, going to their lockers to drop some stuff off and collect the textbooks they needed. Their lockers were pretty much next to each other so they didn't have to go too far.

All of the brothers had different people to hang around with at school, they rarely ever stuck together.

Colin had Ralph, Jerry and Rupert.

Conan had Gavin.

Connor had Markus, Simon, Josh and North.

Colton had Daniel, Cornelius and Chloe.

((Quick A/N: Cornelius is Carlos Ortiz's Android!))

Speaking of friends, or well, in this case no one quite knows what they are to each other, Gavin came strutting down the corridor, spotting Conan and heading over to him.

"Hey, dipshit, you never called me over the summer!" He said, a frown on his face and his arms crossed. Conan rolled his eyes, looking unfazed.

"You have my number, Gavin, you could easily have called me first," he said in his usual dull voice. Conan's brother's didn't really approve of his friendship with Gavin, especially since Gavin was older than Conan, even if it was just by two years.

"W-Well, I was busy!" Gavin tried to make up and excuse, causing Conan to grin.

"You were just too embarrassed to call me first, I can see right through you, Reed," Conan said with a chuckle, making Gavin's face go red.

"S-Shut up, asswipe!" He hissed, pouting at Conan, "Anyway, there's a new vending machine on the east side of the building and I don't have any money. C'mon, I want something from it before first class," he grumbled and grabbed Conan's arm, dragging him off down the corridor to use his money again, like usual.

Connor and Colton just watched before looking at each other, shaking their heads before closing their lockers and going to find their own friends.


A/N: Would you guys possibly like me to go more in depth with the High School AU? I could write more oneshots about it and develop their teen lives a bit more ^w^
Heck I could even draw some art of it lol, meh idk

Anyways have a drawing of Simon that I did as an apology for the shortness of this chapter, I'm tired and lazy and I might rewrite this tomorrow.

Anyways have a drawing of Simon that I did as an apology for the shortness of this chapter, I'm tired and lazy and I might rewrite this tomorrow

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