"Can we keep it?"

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Characters in this story: Hank, Connor, Colin, Colton

(I decided after the last story that Colin needs some love ;v; )



An ear-piercing scream ripped throughout the house, joined by another scream. Hank and Colin raced into the kitchen to find Connor and Colton stood on the table, clinging to each other.

"tHERE'S A SPIDER!!" Colton yelled, pointing in terror to the small spider on the floor of the kitchen. Hank backed away a bit.

"fuckfuckfuckfuck," Connor repeated in a mumble over and over. The only one not phased was Colin. He went over to the spider and crouched down, picking it up in his hand, a soft smile on his face. It was only about the size of a coin.

"Awww~ It's so small! Can I keep it?" he asked with a sweet smile. Connor and Colton looked at him like he'd grown two heads. Hank shook his head.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Spiders need to be outside and plus I'm pretty sure keeping it would just make Connor and Colton paranoid," Hank explained. Colin pouted looking down at the little spider.

"Oh... Okay... I'll go put little Daisy outside." Of course he'd given it a name. Colin already had enough animals in his room as it is. Colin began to make his way over to the front door, a sad look on his face. Hank sighed.

"Fine, you can keep it. Don't expect it to live long though," he said and saw Colin's face light up happily.

"Yay! Thanks dad! I've researched how to take care of spiders before, I'll definitely take good care of Daisy!" he said before racing back to his room. Connor and Colton weren't going to rest very well tonight.

Hank and the RK Brothers (A collection of short stories) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now