Jericho High - Colton's Story

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Heeeeeeere's Colton!

Colton's story is rather unique as it includes three very unlikely characters UwU



Colton had always been a cheerful guy. Ever since he was little he'd always try to make friends with others, he'd try to make people smile, he'd do everything to get a positive reaction. That even continued into his teen years. During middle school he was one of the most popular kids in the entire school, always having friends around him, everyone loved him.

He was a confident young man and also very smart. He always had the highest results in the entire year, which also made him a favourite with the teachers too.

Even going into high school he was still popular. He made everyone around him happy and laugh. He was a little bit of a class clown but still got his work done to a high standard. He'd always had friends, but he'd never had a best friend.

A best friend was someone you held closer than others, someone you share secrets with, someone who you can always be honest with, someone who you can share opinions with, someone who will always be there for you. Sure Colton talked to a lot of people, but he was never really close with any of them.

That's until he struck up a friendship with a very unlikely candidate.

Daniel Phillips, one of the school loners who never smiled, was someone who never really stood out, never wanted to be noticed, and always stuck to the shadows, and also the twin brother of Simon, another popular very popular guy. He had a few issues; anxiety, anger problems, insomnia. He was someone who no one wanted to approach, the permanent scowl on his face helped with that.

It was such a surprise to Daniel when one of the most popular guys in his year bumped into him, apologised, and then smiled at him.

Daniel had just been heading to his last lesson, staring at the floor when suddenly someone rammed into him, sending him off balance. He looked up to see Colton there who was looking slightly rushed and now very guilty.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, are you okay? I wasn't looking where I was going, are you hurt?" Colton rambled, looking extremely apologetic. Daniel just looked bewildered, was Colton Anderson, one of the popular kids with all the friends, really asking Daniel, an outcast that no one paid attention too, if he was okay?

"u-uh... yea... I'm okay..." he mumbled awkwardly, avoiding eye contact. Colton let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness, I wouldn't want to have hurt you," he said and gave Daniel a soft smile which made Daniel even more confused, "I still feel bad though... How about I make it up to you? You like ice cream, right? Well, I mean, who doesn't? Meet me at the ice cream parlour at 6pm tomorrow, I'll buy you one! I got to go now, I'm gonna be late for class!" Colton said quickly before rushing off down the hall, leaving Daniel there with his thoughts swimming.

Colton had just said to meet him tomorrow for ice cream. Colton - freaking - Anderson.

The next day was just full of anxiety for Daniel, even once school was over and he was waiting outside the ice cream parlour - 45 minutes early. What if this was a joke and Colton stood him up? No... no he wouldn't do that. Well... what if he stumbled over his words and made himself look like an idiot and then what if Colton told all his friends and everyone would laugh and-

"Hi! I'm sorry for being late, were you waiting long?" Colton asked as he stood in front of Daniel, snapping out of his nervous thoughts.

"O-Oh... no I wasn't waiting long," Daniel replied quietly. Colton smiled widely and headed inside the parlour with Daniel. 

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