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Characters in this story: Hank, Connor, Colin, Colton, Conan, Gavin.

Warning: Major violence.



Hank and Connor entered the precinct quickly, they came as fast as they could after hearing about the situation. Colin, Conan and Gavin were already there, talking in a huddle, two voices calm, one voice shaking. The two went over to the group, Hank looking confused.

"The hell's happening? I get a rushed call about a hostage situation with no other explanation, care to explain?" he asked and Conan turned to look at him.

"A group of humans against the android's freedom have decided to take a bunch of android's hostage and have taken them to a rather rundown part of the city. All forces are on their way there now. The human's have guns and are threatening to shoot them," Conan explained calmly to Hank, who nodded in understanding. Connor glanced around the group, noticing a missing member from their party.

"Where's Colton?" he asked, frowning slightly. Everyone jumped when Colin burst into tears, it was clear he'd been holding it in.

"H-He's one of t-the hostages..." he sobbed, his hand's shaking. Hank's eyes widened, a whole slew of emotions flooding through him. Connor was shocked as well.

"We need to get there, and fast. I'll go with Gavin, we'll meet you three there," Conan said and grabbed Gavin's arm, dragging him quickly towards the entrance. Colin couldn't control his crying now and Hank went over to him, hugging him tightly, trying to keep himself together for Colin's sake.

"I-I'm sure he'll be alright, son, calm down. We need to get there to save him but we can't with you in this state," Hank said softly as he tried to reassure Colin, honestly also trying to reassure himself as well. Colin wiped his eyes and nodded, trying to calm down. Connor looked at the clock and began to make his way to the entrance, Hank and Colin soon followed.


The area was surrounded by police, blue and red lights flashing brightly, illuminating the walls of the crumbling exterior of the old houses in the neighbourhood. Hank parked the car next to Gavin's empty one. There were people pointing up to where the hostages had been taken and there was a wide balcony there. A human dragged one of the android hostages out onto it and without any mercy or hesitation, he yelled something and shot the android straight through the head before chucking it's limp body from the high space. Colin stared with a trembling lip and wide, fearful eyes. What if they'd already done that to Colton? What if they wouldn't make it in time?

Connor and Hank got out of the car, going over to the other officers, Conan and Gavin. Hank glanced up at the balcony again, the human was yelling obscurities, saying he would kill every android in the building. Connor guessed that there were accomplices inside the building, stopping the androids from escaping.

"They've already killed two androids," Officer Miller - who was one of the first to arrive - mumbled, pointing towards the two limp bodies on the floor below the balcony. Hank nodded, trying to think of how they could stop this. Conan noticed Colin hadn't followed the other two and he frowned.

"Where's Colin?" he asked, wondering if he'd be okay to help out with the situation.

"He stayed in the car. I don't think he's psychologically alright to deal with this," he mumbled softly. Conan nodded in understanding and looked at Gavin, "Detective, do you have any ideas as to what we could do?" he asked and Gavin sighed, shrugging slightly.

"I'll be honest with you, I have no fucking idea. The swat team aren't going to arrive for another twenty minutes, who knows how many more android's they'll kill in that time. We have to act now but there's nothing we can do. If we try and go up there, they'll kill them all instantly," he mumbled, crossing his arms. Connor and Conan began to analyse the building from the outside, trying to come up with something.

No one noticed a figure sneak around to the back of the house.

Then another android was brought out onto the balcony, screaming in terror about how she didn't want to die. Did the android killer listen? Of course he didn't. He raised the gun and shot her in the back of the head, watching with a sadistic smile as she dropped to the floor, dead. He hoisted her body over the railing and watched her body fall into the pile with the rest of the bodies. The officers were getting desperate now.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! We can't just sit around and do nothing!" Hank yelled in frustration, hands going up to his long grey hair and pulling at it out of stress and anger. One of his sons was up there, he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he lost another.

Suddenly, there was a sound of gunshots coming from inside the building, startling the man on the balcony as well as the people down below. The man went back over to the door to the building but as soon as he did, a bullet went straight through his head, knocking him back over the railing and his body fell to the ground.

The last person they all expected to see stood in the doorway to the balcony, holding a gun, covered in human blood, was Colin.

Everyone stared in shock, not knowing what the fuck just happened to be honest. Colin went back inside the building and emerged out the front door a few minutes later with five other bruised and battered androids, one of them being Colton, who was holding Colin's hand.

Hank ran up to them and pulled them both into a hug, holding them tightly. They hugged him back, both in tears. They stayed like that for a few minutes before making their way back to the others.

Colton was in bad shape. His synthetic skin was damaged badly on his face and blue blood was dripping from his nose and neck, a chunk was also cut out of his shoulder and his clothes were ripped. He was shaking and crying, the situation was terrifying and traumatising for him.

"How on earth did you manage that?" Connor asked Colin, looking surprised that the person who was too scared to leave the car earlier had just saved five androids from three gun-wielding humans. Colin sighed, staring at the ground.

"I... I don't know. I was so scared that Colton would be killed... I had to do something," He said quietly and Connor put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"You were amazing, I'm proud of you, bro," Connor said with a soft smile. 

The four android brothers and Hank travelled back to the police station together. Everyone there made sure to try and make Colton feel better. Connor got a blanket out and wrapped it around him to provide comfort, Colin sat and talked with him, hugging him tightly, Conan found a pack of wet wipes and cleaned the blue blood and dirt off of Colton's face, making sure not to miss any spots, even Gavin provided a bit of comfort by gently ruffling Colton's hair and telling him he was safe now. All of the comfort helped him a lot, soon enough he was smiling again.

Hank and the RK Brothers (A collection of short stories) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now