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Characters in this story: Hank, Connor, Conan, Colton and Colin.

[Androids have the ability to eat and drink normal human foods and drinks in this oneshot]

Warning: Lotsa swearing.

Requested by: @Chris4life

Written by: Momma Ch3rry uwu


Hank groaned in frustration from the four loud voices shouting at each other in the kitchen, it was giving him such a bad head ache. He stood up and walked over, seeing the four androids he called his sons stood around in the kitchen, angry looks on their faces and yelling at each other.

"Well at least I haven't killed people before!" Colton hissed at Connor in retaliation to what he had said before which Hank hadn't heard.

"That's because you've been deactivated for like, eleven years, dumbass!" Connor snapped back.

"That was a really shit comeback," Colin huffed, earning a glare from Connor.

"Well I'm soooo sorry. Do I need to remind you that you almost shot Hank and I? Exactly, shut the fuck up," Connor spat.

"Mind your language! You're as bad a Hank," Conan sighed, glancing at Connor from the other side of the room as he leaned against the wall. Connor glared over at him.

"You can shut up too! You wouldn't even be here if it weren't for Hank and I!"

"Why are you being such an ass, Connor!" Colton yelled at him.

"Because you're being an ass to me!" Connor hissed back.

"Oh fucking hell, pipe down, Connor! Deactivate yourself!" Colin shouted, Connor let out an angered gasp and stormed off out of the kitchen, going to his room and slamming the door shut behind him.

"Wow, reeeeal mature," Colton said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Colin glared at him but didn't say anything.

"Now look at what you've done, that was way too far," Conan said with narrowed eyes.

"Okay, I get it! I fucked up! Leave me alone!" Colin huffed and left, going to his own room. Conan and Colton stood in the kitchen in silence for a moment.

"...You know you started all of this, right?" Conan said to Colton who shot him a glare.

"Me?! How the hell did I start this?" he huffed, crossing his arms in annoyance.

"You insulted Connor and called him a 'childish brat'. I'm pretty sure that is what sparked this whole situation off," Conan said factually. Colton rolled his eyes.

"Well I couldn't give less of a damn right now. Go fuck yourself you emotionless prick," Colton growled and instead of going to his room, he left the house entirely, walking out of the front door. Hank, who had remained unnoticed during this whole fiasco, was still stood in the doorway of the kitchen, looking bewildered.

"The fuck just happened?" he asked and Conan shrugged.

"I don't know. Ask one of those idiots," Conan mumbled, motioning to Connor and Colin's bedroom doors. Hank sighed and shook his head. Whatever was going on, he was sure it would be dealt with by tomorrow, right?


Over the next few days, the air around the house was full of tension and silence, the only time any of the four androids talked it would be to Hank, and only to Hank. They never even spared each other a glance, just pretending like each other didn't exist. Hank was getting fed up of it, but finally the opportunity to resolve this shit arose. Hank had been called by the DPD telling him he was needed for a job outside of the state, so he would have to be away for a whole day.

"Listen here. I'm gonna be gone until tonight, I want you four to clean the house while I'm gone, okay? No arguing or fighting with each other, because I will know if you have," he said to the four stood in front of him, they all nodded. "Good. I'll see you later," he mumbled and left, leaving the four alone. Things were rather peaceful at first, despite the tension. They all began to work silently on cleaning the house, keeping out of each others way, not saying a word. Two hours in and the living room was clean, the silence was then broke by a screech from the kitchen. Colton was stood back against the wall, staring in terror at a spider that was crawling along the floor. Connor and Conan tensed up too, but Colin was unfazed. He walked over and crouched down, picking the spider up and going over to the window, opening it and letting the little spider out. He closed the window again and Colton let out a sigh of relief.

"I thought that thing was gonna eat me or something..." Colton mumbled, making Colin chuckle slightly.

"It's a spider, it can't hurt you," Colin said in an amused tone. The androids went back to cleaning after that, the tension was much less noticeable now after that little interaction. Everything was silent again, and Connor decided he didn't like it. He walked over to the small CD player placed on a shelf, browsing through the CDs next to it. He picked one out and placed it into the player. The music started and the tension lowered even more. A few tracks later and Conan decided he wanted to sing along to the music, he waited for the next track to start before singing.

"This is gospel for the fallen ones, locked away in permanent slumber..." Conan sang quietly as he cleaned the kitchen counter tops. Colton grinned and decided to join in as well.

"Assembling their philosophies, from pieces of broken memories," Conan and Colton sung in sync. The song continued on, slowly building up to the chorus with the two androids singing along. Then the pause before the chorus arrived and before Conan and Colton had a chance to let out the words, Connor and Colin both shrieked out the words for them.

"IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GOOOOOOOOOO!!" Connor and Colin sung loudly, Colton and, surprisingly, Conan laughed lightly. The four continued to sing the song, and then the rest of the album, chuckling and dancing about. They managed to clean the house at the same time, and soon the sky began to darken as night fell, but none of the androids realised, they were having too much fun to notice. They had finished their cleaning and then sat in the living room, music still blaring from the CD player as they talked, the harsh tension from before was completely gone now.

Hank arrived home at 11:20pm, opening the door to hear laughter. It seemed leaving them alone to sort shit out was a good idea. He hung his jacket up and walked over to the living room where he saw the four androids sat around, Conan and Colton were sat on the couch, Connor was sat on the armchair and Colin was sat on the floor. They were just chatting amongst themselves about the most random things, it made Hank happy to see them getting along again.


Sorry for the lack of updates recently, college makes it hard to have the time and motivation to update lol. I'll mostly only post stories at the weekend now.

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