Realisation (Gavin x RK900) [SMUT]

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Characters in this story: Gavin and Conan. Other characters may be mentioned.

Warning: This chapter contains explicit sexual content, read at your own risk.

IF YOU DON'T LIKE, DON'T READ. No nasty comments please, I'm not used to writing smut and I haven't studied Gavin's character enough to make it 100% accurate, I'm trying my best.



Boring, boring, boring.

Work was boring.

Gavin huffed as he tapped his fingers on his desk, trying not to doze off from how dull his surroundings were. The precinct was completely empty; everyone was out doing some kind of job, leaving him stuck in the empty station. Not even Connor was around to bother in some way. Although speaking of androids, Conan walked through the doors of the station and went over to the desk that Gavin had reluctantly gave to him since he was sick of the android constantly using his; the desk was opposite Gavin's so much to his disliking, he was stuck having to see the stupid piece of plastic's face all day. Conan had even found Gavin's secret stash of downloaded porn videos he kept on the computer, the human had been so embarrassed trying to explain himself.

Now the two were alone, working in silence at their desks. Gavin sighed heavily and rested his head in his arms on the desk, he had nothing better to do so why not have a little nap? He'd closed his eyes and had almost fallen asleep when he felt a sharp kick to his shin, making his sit up quickly and glare across at Conan who was looking directly at him.

"Did you just fucking kick me?" he growled, clenching his fists. How fucking dare this piece of plastic think he was gonna get away with that. Conan just rolled his eyes.

"It's very clear that I did, Detective, I thought that would be blatantly obvious. Not only are you lazy but you seem to be dense as well," he retorted, the little insult not helping Gavin's mood in the situation, "I came to the conclusion that kicking you would be the most efficient way to get you to get back to work." It was clear that was lie, Conan just wanted to kick Gavin. I mean, everyone in the precinct did so Conan was just doing them a favour.

"You're going to regret that, dipshit. I'll bash your stupid plastic head in!" Gavin grumbled dangerously. Conan didn't respond. Instead, he stood up, walking around the desks to Gavin's side and bending down so that their faces were mere inches apart.

"I dare you to try, Detective Reed," he sneered, smirking as he knew Gavin wouldn't even attempt. The last time Gavin had tried to get violent with Conan he'd almost come away with a snapped neck. Gavin just looked up at him with a glare. Yea he wasn't stupid enough to try.

Strangely, it was weird seeing Conan's face so close, Gavin could see every feature of his face. His fair, soft, synthetic skin that was so detailed, Gavin could see every pore; his piercing, icy blue eyes that stared back at Gavin with an intimidating glare; his silky, dark brown hair that looked smooth to touch...

What the fuck?

What the actual fuck were these thoughts going through Gavin's head. He was startled by them and placed his hands on Conan's chest and shoved him back, also scooting his chair back in the progress.

"D-Don't get so fucking close to me, asshole!" he snapped. Conan raised an eyebrow at the stutter and did a quick analysis of Gavin.

"Your heart rate has increased-" he began but Gavin cut him off.

"And who's fucking fault is that, dipshit?!" he grumbled rhetorically, standing up and walking to the break room to make himself a coffee instead of ordering Conan to make one for him. He sighed heavily as Conan was now out of sight. What the fuck was that? Why the hell did he look at Conan's god-like face in that way? Wait- no- not 'god-like', hell no!

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