Sudden Illness

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[Gonna start some of the requests from the A/N, thank you all for the ideas! This first one is from Deviant_Connor_RK800 ]

The first sign of it was a small cough. Conan, Colin and Colton all noticed it. Androids don't cough, so the fact that Connor was doing so every few minutes was rather concerning. They'd asked him if he was okay repeatedly, but they would always get the same answer.

"I'm perfectly fine."

The coughs continued, seeming to get worse as they day progressed, Connor's LED was also constantly on yellow. When they got home, they all pestered Connor again, even Hank joined in, but they still only got the response from before.

"I'm perfectly fine."

He wasn't fine though. The cough didn't go away all during the night and Connor seemed to look worse physically as well. Soon enough it was time for everyone to go to bed, and they did so, the others hoping that Connor would be alright. Upon waking up in the morning, Conan, Colin and Colton headed out into the living room once they were dressed and ready for work, but Connor wasn't with them. He was never this late getting up. The three decided to go and see if he was okay, quietly walking over to his room and opening the door. They saw Connor still laying in bed, his synthetic skin was paler than usual, breaking up a little in some areas, eyes closed and his LED was a dark crimson.

Conan was the first to approach, gently shaking Connor's arm. He didn't open his eyes. Conan did an analysis of him, finding that thankfully he wasn't dead, but his bio-components were acting up quite badly. He also found a virus running through Connor's system. The three brothers immediately went into panic mode, Colin rushed to wake up Hank and tell him what had happened. The other two stayed next to Connor's bed, kinda unsure of what to do, androids never got sick so this was new to them. Conan checked Connor's temperature and found he was overheating. He decided to do what people would usually do for humans, he went and got a cold, wet washcloth and folded it up, placing it on Connor's forehead to try and cool him down. It seemed to work.

Hank came into the room a few minutes later with Colin and looked rather surprised by Connor's condition. He quickly excused himself and went to call Fowler to tell him they'd all be taking a few days off.

The three others weren't very surprised by Connor's illness though, with the abnormal cough they could already tell something was wrong. They sat around his bed, just quietly waiting for him to be well enough to wake up. Connor was in such a bad state, Conan scanned him again. He wasn't sure if the virus would go away but it was definitely harming Connor. Colin eventually left, after doing some research he found that there was something that could get rid of a virus from an androids system, but he would need to go to a Cyberlife store to get it. This left Conan and Colton in the room, keeping an eye on the sick android, scanning him every few seconds. To say they were concerned was an understatement.

They sat there for a few hours, staying silent. Connor's hand then twitched and his eye lids did so as well. The two noticed and stared at him attentively, waiting for something else to happen. Connor's eyes opened slowly and he looked rather dazed, glancing at the other.

"Hey..." Connor just about managed to mumble, greeting the other two. He then tried to sit up, but failed miserably, he kept trying though until Colton intervened..

"Don't get up you're not well enough to be moving around," Colton said softly, holding Connor down by the shoulders to prevent him from moving. Connor huffed slightly and gave the same excuse as always.

"Colton, I'm perfectly fine-"

"Oh fuck off with that bullshit, Connor," Conan grumbled, sick of hearing Connor say that, "Everyone knows you're not okay, it's pretty obvious. Stop lying to us." Connor shut his mouth after that, knowing that Conan was right. The room fell into awkward silence, but was thankfully broken when Colin returned with the thing to help Connor. It turned out to be a USB flash drive with a powerful anti-virus on it. Connor laid still as Colin opened a small panel on the side of his neck and inserted the flash drive into the slot that was there.

"You'll have to lay here with it for a while to let it work. The technician suggested that you go into standby so that it goes faster," Colin said to Connor, who nodded and closed his eyes, soon going back into standby.


A few days passed and Hank decided that they needed to go back to work. Connor still wasn't well enough, still in standby and letting the anti-virus do its thing. Hank, Conan and Colin all went back to work while Colton offered to stay home and keep an eye on Connor. People at the precinct had sent 'Get Well Soon' cards, there was one from Tina, Fowler, Chris and even Gavin (after persuasion from Conan). Colton put all the cards together on the bedside table so that Connor could read them when he woke up.

Seven whole days later, Connor finally woke back up, his skin wasn't as pale and broken anymore and he didn't look so bad. Colton was there when Connor woke up and got quite the scare when Connor said his name to get his attention. Colton unplugged the flash drive from Connor's neck and closed the panel, then allowing him to sit up.

"how are you feeling?" Colton asked him softly and Connor sighed.

"I feel okay now, I should be well enough to go back to work now," He said, standing up. Colton shook his head.

"We have the rest of the day off, you don't have too. Plus we don't know if the virus is fully gone yet, some of it could still be in your system you know how these things work," Colton tried to argue. Connor just rolled his eyes and went to get his tie, putting it on.

"Well, it is gone. I'm fine," he said, grabbing his jacket next. Colton sighed, knowing he wasn't going to win this argument.

"Okay, we'll go to the precinct but if Hank tells us to come home we will, alright?" He said and Connor nodded in response. Since Hank had taken the car, the two headed down to the bus stop down the street, standing and waiting. Soon the bus arrived and they got in. The bus was quiet, not many people were there, so Connor and Colton found a seat easily.

It wasn't far into the commute when Colton heard a dreaded sound, one he'd hoped he wouldn't hear. A cough. It didn't come from just anyone, it came from Connor.

[The co-author has been decided and will be announced when I get home from work!]

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