Outlast [Part 1]

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If anyone doesn't know, Outlast is a video game about a journalist named Miles Upshur who goes to investigate a spooky asylum with dark secrets. This tale is gonna be a little different from the original since I had no clue who to make Colton, so he's gonna be a patient that helps Hank out. The other three RK bros are based off of the bad guys >;3

Warning: Gore n stuff

Requested by: @Skittles2231

Written by: Momma Ch3rry


{Outlast AU}

Hank slowly pulled his car up outside the gates of the huge, dull building that stood before him like a shadow against the slowly darkening sky. There was a security station placed just outside, but it appeared to be empty. Hank  picked up his notebook and his camcorder, being a journalist meant he needed to be equip for the job, he checked inside the camcorder to make sure it had batteries in, it did. Good. He got out of his car and walked over to the abandoned booth, looking inside. It was definitely abandoned, no one in sight. He then walked over to the front gate, sliding through a small gap. Once he was inside the courtyard, he took one step forwards and jumped as a clang came from behind him. The gate had closed and upon Hank trying to pull at it, it was locked tight. He had no choice now but to move forwards towards the crazy house.

"Mount Massive Asylum, huh... what a fucking shit-hole..." Hank mumbled under his breath as he looked around at the crumbling structure of the building. He'd received an anonymous tip that strange occurrences had been happening there and Hank knew that if he could get a story with evidence, it would go viral and he'd make a fuck-ton of money.

He got to the front door and tugged on the handle, frowning as it didn't open. He glanced around and noticed scaffolding up around the building. He found a place where he could easily reach and he jumped up, grabbing the ledge and hoisting himself up onto the wooden platform. He walked along it and climbed up a few more times, soon reaching an open window. He glanced around the lit up room before jumping as the bulb blew out, plunging the room into darkness. Hank huffed in annoyance and pulled out his camcorder, switching it to night vision mode. He managed to make his way over to the door of the room and opened it, stepping out into a hallway, it seemed to stretch out endlessly. Hank decided to have a look around, taking note of the lack of staff and security. He went in and out of each room, finding a few batteries along the way that would fit his camcorder, they would come in handy later. He continued his adventure until he reached a locked glass door at the end of the hallway. He was tempted to shatter it, but he had to get through here undetected by any of the workers, even if there weren't any around now they'd surely notice a broken glass door. Hank glanced around and jumped as he saw a face peaking out of a small crack in a slightly open door. The door closed quickly, leaving Hank confused and startled. He shook his head and glanced around for another way around, immediately spotting an open air duct, big enough for him to crawl through.

He made his way through the vent, trying to keep quiet. As he crawled along, he found a small grate in the side of the duct that he could look through. He could see into the room and noticed the guy that had been peaking out at him before. He had messy brown hair and his hands were shaking as he paced back and forth, mumbling under his breath, his soft brown eyes wide with what looked like confusion and fear. He must've been one of the patients in this place, he was clearly a bit paranoid, perhaps delusional? Hank just continued forwards, not paying much more attention to him.

He made it to the other side of the duct and climbed out, glancing around. He was in another hallway, more rooms to explore. Unfortunately, most of the rooms were locked as Hank soon found out. He then found a bunch of debris covering a part of the hall he needed to get through, there was no way to move the stuff, but he noticed that the door next to the clutter was slightly ajar. He pushed the door open and squinted into the darkness, pulling up his camcorder again to see what he was doing. The rows and rows of books lining the room and the shelves set up in the middle indicated that this must've been a library. He then stepped on something that made quite an audible squelching sound. Hank looked down to see what looked like a piece of someones intestines. Hank had trouble holding down his lunch as he began to trek through the room, mutilated bodies and decapitated heads were strewn around everywhere, the smell was haunting. He saw the door at the end but was startled by the shuddered gasp of an officer that was impaled on a pole, somehow he was still alive. Hank glanced at the name tag on his uniform; 'Captain Allen'. He must've been leading a team to stop the patients from doing something extreme, but it went horribly wrong.

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