Family Moments (Part 1)

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Characters in this story: Hank, Connor, Colin, Conan and Colton.

(Lets just say it's possible for androids to eat food, perhaps they got an artificial stomach in an upgrade or something-)

Warning: Quite a lot of profanity at the last little segment.



Colin frowned as he browsed through the cupboards, his eyes squinted as he analysed it. Someone had eaten the last of his cookies that he'd said specifically were only his. He was beyond livid. He stormed into the living room where the other three androids were sat on the couch watching a crime documentary on the TV.

"Okay, which one of you ate the last of my cookies?" he demanded to know. The other three looked at him, then each other, and then back at him. Colin glared at the lack of response.

"If one of you doesn't tell me now, I'll eat all of your foods to make up for my stolen cookies," he grumbled. The three now looked panicked and Conan spoke up.

"I-I don't know where they are, I haven't touched them. You seem to forget that I don't particularly like sweet foods," but even with that statement, the stutter at the beginning was rather suspicious. Colton was next to speak.

"Okay so, I do like sweet foods, but I haven't touched the cookies, I swear!" he said quickly. Colin analysed him, his stress levels were at 43%. Suspicious. He then looked at Connor and Connor raised his hands defensively.

"Don't look at me, I haven't eaten the cookies. I didn't even know where they were!" he said, his tone seemingly calm but there was a look in his eyes that raised Colin's suspicion levels. This was no use, they all seemed suspicious. He then decided it was time to use his analysing software, scanning the three androids.

All three had cookie crumb traces around their mouths.

"It was aLL THREE OF YOU!!" he yelled, looking enraged. Colton got up quickly.

"RUN-!" he yelled and the three scattered across the house to avoid the angered android, Colin chasing them down to get vengeance for his cookies.


Hank arrived home from the station only to find that his living room had been transformed into a massive blanket fort.

"What the fuck-" he began when he saw Colton's head peak out from the supposed entrance of the fort, a wide grin on his face.

"Hi dad! Look what we made!" he said proudly. Hank heard shuffling coming from inside the fort and guessed that all four androids were inside.

"You made a mess, that's for sure," he said with a huff, hanging his jacket up. Colton giggled.

"Come inside! There's plenty of room," he said happily and disappeared back inside. Hank rolled his eyes and decided to comply, crouching down and pulling back the flap of the fort. It was indeed very spacious inside. Connor, Colin, Conan, Colton and even Sumo was sat inside, the place was littered with pillows and blankets, even books and snacks. Hank clambered in and sat with the boys.

"Despite how long this is gonna take to clean up, I have to say this is rather impressive," he admitted to the androids as he looked around. They all smiled.

"I should hope so. It took approximately seven hours to gather the necessary materials and calculate the space needed to construct the fort and then to also put all of the pieces together," Conan said, an open book in his lap that he'd most likely been reading. Hank rolled his eyes at Conan's statistical way of speaking. Typical Conan. The androids seemed to be enjoying themselves though: Connor was petting Sumo, Conan was reading through a stack of books, Colin and Colton were stuffing their faces with snacks. Hank got out his phone and took a picture of the moment. This was a moment for the scrapbook.



Connor and Colin jumped when they heard the loud profanity that ripped through the quiet air of the house. They looked at each other. That couldn't have been Hank since he was out drinking. They got up and decided to go an investigate. The noise had come from the living room where Conan and Colton had been residing. The two were playing Mario Kart, and Conan was losing badly.

"HOW THE FUCK DID THAT GREEN SHELL HIT ME- OH FOR FUCKS SAKE TOAD KNOCKED ME OFF THE FUCKING TRACK-" Conan was infuriated, and Colton was finding it hilarious, laughing his ass off and yet he was still beating Conan. The race finished with Conan in last place and the android decided that to display his rage he would throw his controller at the floor, yelling a mixture of profanities and disbelief at his loss. This was definitely a different side to the usually calm and collected Conan who barely showed emotion; even Connor and Colin began to laugh which caught Conan's attention.

"BOTH OF YOU CAN SHUT YOUR TRAPS, I CALCULATED EVERY MOVE IN THIS GOD FORSAKEN GAME AND I STILL FUCKING LOST!" he yelled, making the other three androids laugh harder. They would definitely have to get Conan to play the game again.


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