Jericho High - Conan's Story

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Due to the majority of requests - here's Conan!

(Damn y'all are some thIRsty fuckers for Conan jfc-)

Anyways here's his story!



Conan wasn't like his brothers. He was different in many ways. Appearance wise, he was taller, broader, he had blue eyes instead of brown and he was a lot more intimidating. His personality was different too, he was a lot stricter, he didn't laugh or smile as much, he was more reserved, he was smarter, stronger and more tolerant. Despite these differences, he loved his brothers just the same, he would do anything to help and protect them.

It just sucked that he was younger than them.

Conan was two years younger than his brothers, which meant he couldn't be around them as much when they were at school. He couldn't be in the same classes as them, he couldn't talk to them as often, if there was a class project for them all to do he could't be included. He wished he was the same age as them, but he couldn't change that.

It especially sucked when his brothers went up to high school and he was still stuck in middle school for the next two years. It was great when they were all in middle school, they would hang out at break and lunch times, talking happily and sharing stories about what they'd done that day, but once they left, he was alone.

Conan didn't really have any friends other than his brothers. He was tall and intimidating, not really 'friendly' material. Of course, he would still help people. If anyone was being bullied, he'd step in because even the bullies were scared of Conan. People began to come to him if there was a problem but he still didn't have any real friends, but at least he had a sense of pride knowing that people trusted him.

That didn't change even as he joined his brothers in high school. He was happy to see his brothers again when he moved up but they didn't hang out as much as they used to. His brothers all had friends to sit with at lunch and share stories with. Conan was left alone.

Sometimes Conan could be mistaken for a senior, even though he was a freshman, this came in handy though as it made sure that no one would fuck with him. His sharp, piercing eyes could cut through someone and make them shake, his tall stature could scare even the toughest of jocks.

One day, one of the meanest assholes in the school had taken to publicly beating up a freshman nerd, and Conan couldn't stand it. There was a large crowd around the commotion, watching the senior jock beat the shit out of the timid boy, but that stopped as soon as Conan grabbed the jock by the collar and threw him against the wall. Everyone cheered Conan on as he punched and kicked the ever living shit out of the bully, making a name for himself. He became known as a guardian of some sorts, he became popular. Not only was he a good guy, he was rather handsome too. Some of the girls became interested in him, but he shrugged them off. No one knew why... perhaps he was just modest?

Every asshole in the school avoided Conan, knowing what he was capable of.

Except for one.

Gavin Reed was one of the snarkiest, bitchiest rats in the school, always looking for trouble. He'd always been a troubled child and that didn't stop once he got into high school. He was in the same grade as all of Conan's brothers. He was well known as having a foul mouth and a shitty attitude, not to mention he'd almost been expelled numerous amounts of times for spouting racist and homophobic slurs at people.

Conan first came face to face with Gavin in the hallways before class. They'd bumped into each other, dropping their books. How cliché.

"Watch where you're fucking going, prick!" Gavin growled as he picked up his books, glaring at Conan. Gavin knew all about Conan, knowing how much he hated bullies and assholes. That didn't phase Gavin though. Conan glared lightly at Gavin.

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