Are you... high?

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Characters in this story: Hank, Colin, Connor, Colton.

Warning: Drug use, disappointed dad



Hank frowned as he looked at the clock. It was getting late and his android sons were in bed recharging. Well, all except one android. Colin had yet to come home and it was well past the curfew he'd set for them. It was almost 1am and there wasn't even a sign of him returning, Hank was beyond cross. He'd decided to stay up and wait for Colin to come home, he wanted to know why Colin had decided to break curfew.

At 1:47am, the front door opened and Colin stumbled in, a strong smell following him. He stopped in the living room doorway and spotted hank, freezing a bit.

"Heeeeeeeeyy Pops..." he said with a lopsided grin. Hank frowned, his eyes narrowing. He knew what the strong smell was - it was weed.

"Colin, are you high?" he asked with disappointed tone, he knew that weed could have the same effects on androids as it had on humans. Colin shook his head as he stumbled towards him.

"Nooooo, I'm not high... only birds can be high, I don't have wings," he mumbled, very clearly high. He'd only smoked it to get some things off of his mind, to just relax a little. Hank sighed, frowning heavily.

"Don't lie. Go have a shower, we'll discuss this in the morning," he mumbled, not even looking at Colin now. Colin did that, stumbling over towards the bathroom to have a shower. Hank was so disappointed in him, and now he had to try and find out who the fuck gave his son weed so he could beat the shit out of them.

Half an hour later, Colin got out of the shower, changing into some different clothes. Thanks to the shower he wasn't as high now, and also realised the situation. He shuffled cautiously into the living room and could see Hank with his head in his hands.

"Hank...?" he mumbled quietly. Hank didn't look up, he couldn't look at Colin right now. Colin decided to leave him alone for now. He felt bad for what he did. He went to his room without another word.


Morning arrived and Connor was the first to wake up. He left his room and noticed Hank asleep on the couch, which wasn't unusual to be honest. Connor went into the kitchen and made a coffee for Hank, taking it to the living room when he was done and placing it on the coffee table. Connor then froze, there was a lingering smell in the air, which he could easily recognise. He knew it wouldn't have been Hank that could've smoked anything, he was a police lieutenant, he hated drugs. It must've been someone else...

Colton was the next to wake up and he wandered into the living room, smiling at his brother when he spotted him.

"Heya bro, have you seen my-" he stopped mid-sentence, sniffing the air. He looked completely bewildered.

"Con-con have you been smoking weed?" he asked and Connor shook his head, explaining that he'd only just found the smell and also saying it couldn't have been Hank smoking it. The both frowned before looking down the hall towards Colin's door, which was open a bit and they could just see Colin's eye looking at them through the crack. The door closed quickly and locked. Connor went down to Colin's room and knocked on the door.

"Colin, open the door," he said softly, Colton right behind him. There was no response, so Connor knocked again.

"Colin, please. I'm not angry, I just want to talk," he said. He knew if Conan had been here he probably would've kicked down the door, its a good job he slept over at Gavin's house. There was still no response from behind the door.

Connor and Colton jumped when Hank stood behind them, a dull look on his face. Connor mumbled to Hank how Colin wouldn't open the door and Hank sighed.

"Well of course he's not gonna open the fucking door. He did drugs and doesn't wanna face the consequences. Fuckin' coward..." he grumbled before turning and walking away. Connor and Colton knew how much Hank hated drugs, so to find out that one of his android sons had smoked weed was probably really hard on him. 

Colton decided to try knocking this time. Colton was closer with Colin that the other members of the family.

"Colin, please let me in. I know you wouldn't smoke that stuff without a reason, I wanna help you," he said softly. There was no response for a moment but then there was some shuffling from behind the door. The door then opened a bit, Colin looked like he'd been crying.

"I-I only wanna t-talk to you..." he mumbled to Colton, who nodded and looked at Connor, he understood and went to join Hank in the living room.

Colton entered Colin's room and watched as the other went and sat on his bed, he joined him and sighed.

"Why?" he asked simply, placing a hand on Colin's shoulder. Colin looked away and shrugged, more synthetic tears leaving his eyes. Colton didn't push it, he would wait for Colin to tell him. After a few minutes, he spoke up.

"...a-all the regrets I f-felt before c-came back up... I d-didn't like it, I w-wanted to forget a-about it... my friends s-said they knew how I could a-and offered me w-weed. I a-accepted it..." he mumbled out an explanation. Colton looked at him sympathetically, gently rubbing his back.

"It was wrong to do it, but I understand why you did it. Please never smoke that stuff again though, just come and talk to me if something is wrong..." he said softly, hugging his brother. Colin accepted the hug.

"...H-Hank hates me n-now, doesn't h-he?" Colin sniffled, remembering Hank's reaction. Colton honestly didn't know how to respond to that. He didn't know.

"I...I don't know, Colin. I'm sure he doesn't..." he mumbled, Colin just cried harder.

Hank and the RK Brothers (A collection of short stories) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now