Chapter 7

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3 Weeks Later

Today is my official first day as Samuel's nurse. I can't believe I quit my job to do this. Of course, I gave them a two weeks notice....I must be out of my mind for agreeing to do this, but for some reason I just couldn't say no. I haven't seen Samuel since the day at the airport. I wonder if he is talking now? I wonder if he's happier? I get this feeling that isn't the case....

      I knock on the front door to his parents house. Alice, as she prefers for me to call her, answers the door with a disgruntled look on her face. It's 6:30 in the morning.

"What's wrong?" I ask her, while walking into the house behind her. I close the front door behind me.

She sighs, heavily. "Samuel is in a mood this morning."

That, honestly, does not surprise me. I wasn't expecting for this job to be a walk in the park.

I nod, giving her my full attention, as we walk to the kitchen. At the table, I see a cup of coffee and a newspaper. Alice sits in the seat where the coffee and newspaper are at. I sit down next to her. I wait for her to elaborate about what is going on with Samuel.

"He is refusing to come out of his room." She finally says after a brief moment.

"Does he normally do that?" I ask.

She sighs, heavily. She looks so stressed out. I can't blame her. I would be too if Samuel was my son. "He hasn't come out of his room since he has been home."

"Not even to use the bathroom or for food?" I raise my eyebrows.

"He has a bathroom in his room and I have been bringing him his food..."

"Don't bring him his food anymore." I tell her.

Her eyes go wide. "I can't do that to him. "

"He has to learn to adapt to his situation, Alice." It feels so weird calling her by her first name. I'll just have to get used to it.

"Not right now he doesn't and while you are here taking care of him you will bring him his food." She tells me, sternly.

I take in a deep breath so that I don't say something I shouldn't say. I don't want to get fired on my first day. "Fine. Whatever you wish. "

"Thank you." She takes a sip of her coffee. She stands up and grabs her large pink purse off of the kitchen counter. "I'm going to go ahead and leave for work now." I follow her to the front door.

"All of his medications and everything that he could possibly need is on the table in the kitchen." She informs me. She is standing by the front door as if she is afraid to leave her son. Again, I can't blame her. Alice has short blonde hair, brown eyes like her son, and a friendly smile, but right now she just looks tired.

"Everything will be okay. I will call you if I need anything." I tell her with a huge smile plastered on my face.

She sighs, and, opens the front door almost reluctantly. "Have a good day, Alice." I give her a wave as she walks to her car.

"You too, too." She gets into her car and drives off.

I close the front door and lean my back against it.

What have I gotten myself into?

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