Chapter 27

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        "I love cookies and cream ice cream. It's my favorite." I tell Samuel, as I take another bite of my ice cream. We are at Baskin Robbins on our non-date.

"Vanilla is my favorite ice cream." Samuel tells me, with a smile on his face.

"That is so plain!!" I exclaim.

"It is perfect to me." He sticks his tongue out at me.

I roll my eyes at him, but laugh along with him. "You are such a boring ice cream eater."

"Hey! Cookies and cream isn't that original either!" He shakes his head, with a grin.

"It's more unique than yours." I take another bite of my ice cream. He does the same with his.

"So, how are things going with your ex?" He asks, suddenly.

I wasn't expecting that right now. "Nathan?" I ask, even though I already know the answer.

"Yeah." Samuel nods.

I gulp. "We haven't really been talking."

"Oh." Samuel looks out the window.

"How are you feeling? Being out?" I ask.

He directs his gaze towards me. Our eyes lock. "It feels great." Why do I get the feeling that his words have a double meaning?

"I am so happy that you decided to get out of the house today." I tell him, honestly.

"Why do you care so much about me and how I feel?" He asks, not taking his eyes off of my face.

"I....I don't know how I'm supposed to respond to that." I tell him.

"Just tell me the truth." His eyes never leave my face.

"I just do." I admit.

"Why?" His voice sounds so raw and emotional.

"You are a good guy. You didn't deserve to be treated the way that my sister has treated you." I place my hands in my lap and look away from him. This is getting intense.

"So, you feel sorry for me?" He asks, sounding offended.

My eyes dart back to his face, quickly. "You are a wonderful man, Samuel. That's why I care. "

"A wonderful man...." He repeats.

"You are." I reach over and place my hand on top of his that is resting on the table.

His eyes, immediately, move to look at my hand on top of his. He moves his hand so that he is now holding my hand. We are holding hands.

We continue the rest of the evening making small talk. We don't mention the fact that we are holding hands. We just let it happen. Later, when we get back to the house, we don't mention it there either.

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