Chapter 10

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        I have helped my fair share of men and women in a lot of up close and personal ways. I am a registered nurse, after all, but for some reason I'm getting nervous about helping Samuel in this way. He begins to try and sit up in the bed. I walk closer towards the bed; closer towards him. He shifts where he is sitting on the edge of the bed. If he still had legs they would be off of the bed. His eyes won't meet my gaze.

I move away from him for a moment and walk over to the corner to retrieve the wheel-chair. I put it in a good position by the side of the bed and then I proceed to put it on lock so that it won't move as he is trying to get in it. I stand there, awkwardly, waiting for him to make a move. Do I need to help lift him? Can he move with his arms to maneuver his way into the wheel chair? I have never worked with someone that didn't have legs before. Without thinking another thought, I place my hand out for him to take to help him with his balance as he tries to get into the wheelchair.

"I don't need your help!" He snaps. The vein in his neck pops out. He is angry. I take a deep breath. His pride is wounded. I take a step back, but stay close enough just in case he needs me. I watch him slowly make his way into his wheelchair. He struggles quite a bit, but he makes it in on his own.

        I start to put my hands on his wheel chair to push him, but his icy glare lands on me. "I am fully capable of using my hands and arms, you know." I, immediately, back away from him. I watch him as he takes the wheelchair off of lock and he begins to wheel himself towards the bathroom in his bedroom. Once he gets inside, he wheels around and slams the door, avoiding my gaze the whole entire time. I hear a click. He locked the door. Therefore, if he has an accident I will have to break into the bathroom. That's lovely.

        I take this time alone to walk around his room. I notice that he has more than just one picture of him and Brittany in his room. It's quite suffocating, actually. There are random pictures of him and her throughout the room. Some are in frames and some are not. This guy really loves her. I shake my head. I wish had an excuse for my sisters behavior, but I don't. It's who she is and it is who she has always been. 

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