Chapter 44

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Two Weeks Later

     I haven't heard from Samuel in two weeks. I've been staying at our local Motel 6. I have a lot of money saved up in my savings account. My ultimate goal is to get my own apartment soon. I haven't heard from Brittany, either. My mom has been calling me and texting me. She hasn't mentioned Samuel or Brittany. Neither have I. I have been communicating with her, of course, because it's hard for me to ignore my very own mother. Furthermore, I don't want to go back to my parents home. It reminds me of Samuel and Brittany way too much. I DO NOT want to be reminded of them at all.

I start back my job at the hospital today. I'm so excited about it. It will help me keep my mind off of all of the negative things going on in my life right now. Plus, I will get to see my favorite co-worker, Stephanie, again. The one who introduced me to the "stupid hot" new doctor. I wonder if he still works here.

           I walk into the hospital with a huge smile on my face. I am genuinely excited to see what what this day has in store for me. Dwelling on the negativity in life gets you nowhere. There is always something to be thankful for.

           "Oh my goodness!!! It's YOU!!!!" Stephanie screams in excitement when she sees me. She spreads her arms out for a hug. I grin and hug her tight. I really did miss her. "It's ME!!" I laugh.

            She pulls back from our hug and looks at me, smiling. "I'm so glad that you are back." I put my bag down underneath the desk. "Me too, girl, me too." I take a deep breath. "So how is the "stupid hot" doctor doing?" I ask, conversationally. She shakes her head and, dramatically, sighs. "You know....just being stupid hot wherever he goes." I roll my eyes. "You are something else, you know that?" I smile. "That's what they tell me." She sticks her tongue out at me.

          "You look familiar." A voice says. I turn around, startled. Well, look who it is. It's the "stupid hot" doctor. "I used to work here." I inform him. "Stephanie introduced us on your first day, but I don't remember what your name was?" I ask. I really don't remember. Maybe he didn't tell me? "My name is Kent. What is your name?" He asks.  I lean against the nursing station counter. "My name is Karrington." I stick my hand out for him to shake it. Today is a good day to be polite, I suppose. He takes my hand in his and shakes it. He has really big hands.

      "Well, it's nice to meet you again, Karrington." He smiles at me. "You too, Kent." I tell him, while smiling back. He gives me a wink and turns back around to go back to work. As soon as he is out of ear shot Stephanie starts talking. "He was SO checking you out!!!!" She exclaims. I give her a "shut up" look. "No, he was not!" I tell her. "He SO was!!!" She argues. "Get back to work, Stephanie." I laugh and walk over to see what patients I will be tending to today.

It's 4:15 in the morning and I can't sleep. Therefore, I got on Wattpad. I love you all. 💚❤️💚

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