Chapter 21

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Today is Monday. Nate and I have been casually texting since Saturday. I did agree to be his friend, after all. Friends text.....

I don't feel like getting out of the bed this morning, but my alarm clock on my phone just went off for me to get ready to go to work. I barely even consider what I do for Samuel work. I'm more like a care giver to him. His parents pay me very well. I'm not missing out on money at all.

When I get to work, Mrs. Richardson opens the front door before I even have a chance to knock. She explains to be me, quickly, that she has an important meeting at her job that she needs to be there early for. I assure her that everything will be okay. Honestly, I think that whenever Samuel feels confident enough in his new body that he will be able to stay at home by himself without me here. Mrs. Richardson might think otherwise about that though....she can be a little bit over-bearing.

I peek my head into Samuel's bedroom to see if he is awake. He is up scrolling through his phone.

"What are you looking at, mister?" I smile, and walk over to sit in the red chair beside his bed.

He smiles back at me. "You."

I roll my eyes. "I meant, what are you looking at on your phone?"

He smirks. "You."

I lean over and snatch his phone out of his hands. "You are Facebook stalking me right now....oh my gosh!! Samuel, why are you looking at pictures that I posted like five years ago?" I shake my head while laughing. I hand him his phone back.

He grins at me. "Because I just felt like it."

"How  was your weekend?" I ask, changing the subject.

"It was good. I actually watched a movie with my the living room." He gives me a thumbs up.

"Yay!!" I scream with excitement. "I am so happy to hear that you left this room!!"

"I figured YOU would be." He shakes his head, with a small smile.

"What movie did y'all watch?" I ask him, conversationally.

He rolls his eyes. "Pretty Woman."

I place my right hand on my heart. "Awww!! How sweet of you to watch a romantic movie with your mom!"

"I actually liked the movie, to be honest." He says, no trace of humor on his face.

"I like it, too." I admit.

"How was your weekend?" He asks.

Should I tell him what happened during my weekend? Things between me and Samuel have been kind of weird lately....or maybe I'm just reading too much into all of the nice things that he has been saying to me. Guys can be nice to girls without any intentions. And girls can be nice to guys without any intentions.

"Well, my ex-boyfriend showed up at my front door on Saturday."

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