The Beginning

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Tom's POV

As I entered Midtown High School (A/N this is an AU but I was too lazy to make up another school name) for my junior year, I noticed a girl with long, straight hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail with earplugs in walking on her phone, walking towards stairs, not seeing them. Instinctively, I called, "Hey, watch out!"

Because of her earphones, she heard me enough to look up, but not enough to know where it came from. She shrugged it off, and went back to her phone, immediately tripping. 

I rushed over to her to help her pick up the books that had fallen out of her backpack, which had been lazily half-zipped up. She dressed simply in a light navy t-shirt and black leggings with a gray sweater tied around her waist. I appreciate that, I thought. So many girls keep dressing like s***s because they want to get the jocks' attention. 

"Thanks," she said, picking up the last of the books and shoving them back into her bag. She smiles sheepishly, "I assume it was you who called out?"

"Yeah, I saw you going towards the stairs and I thought I would let you know," I said, handing her a history textbook. "What period do you have history? Zendaya, isn't it?" I questioned, recalling her performance in last year's school play. 

"Yeah, and you're Tom, right?" She returned, taking the textbook from me. I nodded and she smiled, plugging her earphones back in as she started to turn away. "I have history for second period."

"Oh, same, I guess I'll see you there," I concluded.

"If you survive," she said, waggling her eyebrows towards the herd of girls giggling and making their way towards me. 

Not that being recognized isn't nice, but it's honestly a bit of a hassle to constantly escape from them. I'm fairly athletic, and according to one of my best friends, Laura, I'm basically the "definition of perfect to a girl," were her exact words, I believe. Something about my dancing background being a turn-on?

I look back, and Zendaya has already entered the building, making her way towards her locker. 

I run desperately inside, trying to escape Vivian and her flock of girls. Vivian Lewis, Oakleigh Williams, Leanne Wood, and Elaine Hill, who stupidly named themselves the "LOVE Squad." 

As I locate my locker, I see Zendaya standing literally three feet away from me near her locker. She notices me and teasingly jokes, "Can't get enough of me?"

"Well, we'll find out soon," I returned, entering my combo and opening my locker. 

"So, it's nice to see that you survived, Tom," Zendaya says, shutting her locker and staring at me teasingly. "You're quite the catch, apparently." 

"Oh, that I knew, but I didn't know Vivian would do all of her back to school shopping at Victoria's Secret," I complained, rolling my eyes. I slammed my locker shut, and leant against it, rolling my eyes.

"Well, I'm off the Phys Ed, I have to change," she said, pointing towards the girls' locker room.

"Oh, no way, me, too," I said, looking at the schedule that had been emailed to me on my phone.

"Oh, and you have third period chemistry, too right?" She says jokingly.

"Actually, yeah."

"And please tell me we at least have separate writing and trigonometry classes right?"

"I have fourth period trig, fifth period writing, and then I have drama for my elective in sixth," I said, scrolling through my schedule.

"Oh, THANK GOD, I have... fourth period trig and fifth period writing, dang it! I even have drama with you!" She says, pretending to be upset.

"Wow, I'm deeply offended. You know what's even worse?"

"What, Holland?"

"We might even have lunch together!" I gasped.

"That's only if I sit with you. Are you inviting me to?" She teases.

"Well, I mean, you obviously CAN'T get enough of me, so why not? You can hang with Laura and Jacob, they're awesome."

"Sure, why not? I suppose you can lead the way to where you sit since we have every single class together," she says, shrugging. 

"Cool, I'll see you in Phys Ed, my locker room is that way," I say, turning away.

As I get changed, I see Jacob run up to me and say, "Yo, what were you doing talking to Zendaya? She's like.... way cooler than any of us! She totally dominated in the school play, she's smart, nice, and she's SUPER HOT!"

"Dude, don't objectify girls like that! But, yeah, kind of, I guess?"

"Anyways, what happened? How did you meet her?"

"Well, she dropped her stuff so I helped her, and turns out we have like.... our entire schedule together!"

"Dude, that's sick!"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you said you guys are friends now!"

"Yeah, barely! We just met each other, and I-- wait, are you implying we're going to get together???"

"Well, yeah, you guys have your entire day together, you helped her out like a damsel in distress and you even have chemistry!"

"Yeah, third period," I said, and Jacob rolled his eyes at my obliviousness.

"No, I mean... like.... sexual chemistry!"

"Dude, we just met, how can you even tell?"

"Well, you didn't just meet! Last year, when she accidentally got hurt by your football? You helped clean her off, and everyone on the team was jealous!"

"We were just being nice to each other! And if anything, yes, I would like to be her friend, she seems really chill!"

"Do as you wish," said Jacob, giving up. 

"Thank you, man, now let's go to Phys Ed, I'll introduce you two," I said, walking out. 

And that was how it began.

Hey, guys, this is my new AU Tomdaya story! I hope you'll enjooooy!

Luvthefandoms luvs you guys! ❤️ 


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