Dumb Boy

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Zendaya's POV

"Wait... are you serious?" Asked a skeptical Laura over Skype.

"Yeah! And Tom is so upset over it. He won't stop calling Jacob and Robert! The only thing taking his mind off of it is the play."

"Oh! I has forgotten about that! Are you guys going to audition together again?"

"Yeah, we're gonna do Summer Lovin', it's both of ours favorite song from the movie, and it's primarily Danny-Sandy, so," I chuckled toying with my necklace.

Laura gasps and claims, "That's new!!!"

"Tom gave it to me. He's like, the best boyfriend I could ask for."

"Awww, really?" Came a boyish voice from behind me. Tom had been peeking his head from out from behind my door.

"Yeah, so get out, son, I've had enough of you!" I half-shouted, throwing my empty plastic water bottle at him.

He smiled and closed the door, going back to his dorm. I turned back to Laura grinning and she laughed.

"So, have you settled in well?"

"Yeah. Couldn't ask for a better roommate, she's so sweet. Her name's Elizabeth."

"Aww, that's awesome. Look, I have to go, I need to go practice with Tom."

"Dumb boy, always taking you away from me."

"Yeah. But he's my dumb boy."

"He is. Anyways, good luck on Summer Lovin'!"

"Thanks! Miss ya and love ya!"

I hung up and ran to Tom's dorm, where I found him humming mindlessly with headphones on. He didn't notice me so i planned to surprise him as he wandered to the kitchen. I hid behind his bed and he received a call, judging by the fact he started yelling, "Finally you called!"

I stayed quiet knowing it was probably Jacob and Tom would want to talk to him.

I couldn't hear Jacob but Tom continued to talk, "Yeah. Things are going great. Summer Lovin'. Well, duh! But I mean I still want to do more, you know? The last gift was presented as a feel better gift not as an 'I love you, will you be my forever partner,' gift."

Tom continued to talk and i situated myself on his bed thinking about what he said. Too sweet. I need to do something for him soon. Tom finally ended the call and turned around to find me.

"Dah! Um, hi..."

"Don't worry. And yes. Or course I will."

"Will what?"

"I'm your forever partner, you're mine. Sound good?"

"Yeah." He smiled his adorable crooked smile and gave me a quick peck.

I smiled and said, "So should we get started?"

"Yeah, sure."

I pulled up the song on my phone and as the intro chords started, Tom looked at my face and I bashfully looked down at the ground.

"Summer Lovin', happened so fast..."


"Those Summer,"

"Nights," we finished in harmony.

I laughed gleefully and high fived Tom.

"We so have this!"

Tom hugged me and kissed the top of my head. "Your smile is adorable," he complimented.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"Thank you." We stood in comfortable silence before I said, "So this is really random, but I kinda want boba, can we go?"

He laughed and said, "Of course, before continuing to throw me over his shoulder and carry me out like a potato sack.

I giggled and pounded on his back as he ran to his car and threw me down in the back seat.

"Meanie!" I joked.

He just shrugged and started the car. We drove in comfortable silence and I fiddled with my fingers. "Hey Tom?"


"I've been thinking about Haz."

He scoffed and questioned, "Why?" But not sounding too sure about himself, tapping on the steering wheel quickly.

"Just... his motives and why he did what he did."

"Yeah? And what's that?"

"He was jealous, Tom. And before you say anything," I interrupted him, leaning I'm right behind his driver's seat to be right next to his face as he opened his mouth, "I know it seems weird to think he would ever be jealous because you were always together, but as he matured, he probably thought people saw him as the supportive best friend, not the main character."

Tom stayed silent as if he was willing me to continue. "Look, I'm not defending him, okay, he caused you pain. Physical, mental. emotional, all of it, but you had sk much. And he had nothing to lose, only many things to gain."

"I just don't know where to start with him."

"Let him start then. Let him talk, you just see whether that dipshit deserves another chance or not."

"See? I could've had years more of this advice if it wasn't for him."

I wrapped my arms around Tom's neck from behind and pecked his cheek. "I'm pretty good, huh?"

"Yeah." He smiled.

We pulled into the parking lot and ran into the shop excitedly.

We placed our orders and walked out a couple minutes later with our bobas.

I got onto the shotgun seat this time and Tom pulled into the street, sipping his boba when I held it up for him.

As we approached a red light, Tom opened his mouth about to say something, but waited until he made his turn as the light turned green. As he moved the steering wheel, we heard loud horns, saw red lights, and then for a split second saw a car come barreling towards us.

Then all was black.

Omg that took me way too long but I needed a conflict sorry plot twist cliff hanger woah woah bye guys luv u

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