I'm Not Going to Stop (Pt. 1)

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(Messaging Group)

Laura: hey guys

Jacob: whats up?

Laura: r u free to come over for dinner on today?

Tom: um yea probably, why tho?

Laura: just thot we could get together. havent seen u guys for almost a week

Zendaya: sure, sounds like a plan 😉

Jacob: seems like fun-- what time

Laura: does 4 work for u guys?

Tom: Um, yeah. That should work for me 😎 c u then

Laura: 🤗

Jacob: 🤙

Zendaya: 🤔🤩😙😶😙😶😆😘😆😘😚😎😐😶😊🙂☺😋😘😆🙄

Zendaya: sorry just wanted to get in on this emoji thing

Zendaya: guys?

Zendaya: Thomas Stanley Holland u have never been the victim of one of my practical jokes but that can change easily.

Tom: wassup?

Zendaya: thought so... c u then...

I shook my head, throwing my phone down, then pulled up a locked file on my computer. I entered the access code and started typing quickly, attempting to progress as much as possible. I then plugged my phone's USB cord into the computer, compiling another file of photos for my project.

Without realizing, hours had flown by and I heard my alarm go off, reminding me to prepare for my date with Zendaya.

I quickly threw on a casual, but suitable outfit and made my way to her dorm. She opened it before I could knock and she wordlessly took my hand, walking down the hallway to the mall where we were eating lunch.

Once we ate, she dragged me around to all her favorite shops, picking out outfits for herself and me, preoccupying her whilst I snuck away to the jewelry section.

I plucked through the earrings and necklaces until I found a short, choker style rose gold chain with a small gold heart that had a small word engraved on it, "amoureux." (Translation: "lover")

While Zendaya tried on some jeans, I made my way towards the cashier and quickly paid, also buying a small rose red box. I quickly tucked away the necklace and waited for Zendaya to come out of the dressing rooms.

When she did we walked back to the campus and separated to get ready for Laura's.

In the small amount of time I had, I began to write a small note to Zendaya, a part of my gift to her to celebrate us as an official couple.

The first part was a scrapbook compiled of pictures, dating all the way back to primary school, to the ones I took today as she modeled as a joke in her newly bought clothes.

The second part were her favorite candies, followed by the necklace and her favorite flowers.

The only part left was to buy the flowers later so they would be fresh and write a note. I uploaded more pictures and began to write my note. I barely started to write seeing as the import took so long when Zendaya called, "Tommy, time to go!"

I shut my computer down and grabbed my jacket, meeting Zendaya outside.

As we walked to my car she asked, "You know I never asked how your lunch with Megan went."

"It was great. We talked a lot about family and significant others."

"Oh, she has a boyf--"

"She has a girlfriend. Great person."

"... Oh."

I smiled at her reaction and she continued, "Well, I guess no more bugging you about her. Happy for her. I've also been meaning to ask about Paddy!"

"Getting better. I can't visit though, since midterms are coming up."

"Sucks. Hey, do you know why Laura is calling us over?" She asked as I started the car.

"Honestly?" I asked as I pulled out of the lot. "Not a clue."


We entered Laura's house and she instantly rushed to hug us as well as Jacob, who smiled and greeted us. We ate and caught up and Laura asked to make a toast, standing up with a weak smile.

"To friendship."

We all smiled and raised our glasses, but her eyes soon grew cloudy.

"I have some news."

We all got deadly silent and stares at her with eyes wide open.

"So to start off with good news, the LOVE Girls have not been at school because they have been transferred to a different part of the campus due to issues they formed with classmates. However, the bad news is I am also being transferred."

"What?" Zendaya chuckled. "You're joking right?"

"I'm going to Europe to study abroad, I applied for the program years ago and got accepted. I won't be back until graduation."

"That's um... it's great. I'm gonna miss you so much," Zendaya said.

"Damn, okay, that makes things worse," Jacob muttered before continuing to shakily say, "Well, I was going to use this get together to share my news-- I'm visiting Hawaii for a year. I have some family that's not doing too well."

"Double whammy," I joked lightly, attempting to make us all feel better.

"You guys know what you need for yourselves, and if this is it, then you should take the chance." Zendaya said, borderlining tears.

I held her hand and said, "We'll keep in touch. Every week. I'll be counting the days."

They smiled and Laura cleared the table seeing as no one had much or an appetite. I followed her into the kitchen and whispered, "Hey, Laura."

She turned around confused and I continued, "I need your help with something. I'm making a surprise for Daya and part of it involves a scrapbook. If you have any old pictures of her, I'd really appreciate it. I think it would mean a lot to her if you helped with it."

"Totally, I'll have them emailed to you within a week. And just to be clear, I'll be back before you know it-- keep Zendaya from weeping over me."

I smiled and hugged her before heading back out. I hugged Hsxob and we said our goodbyes before departing.

Zendaya headed to her dorm and I went to mine where I found Laura had already emailed me a large assortment of pictures, each with their own backstory.

I smiled and selected my favorites. I printed them out and pasted them in. Deciding to cheer Zendaya up about Laura and Jacob's departure, I quickly bought flowers from the local supermarket and ran back to my dorm, stashing them neatly in a woven basket. I added in the chocolates and the scrapbook, finally placing her necklace neatly on top. I finished writing her letter and then went off to her dorm.

I didn't bother to knock like usual, but when I opened the door, my heart dropped.


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