Well, S**t (Pt. 1)

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Tom's POV

"Tom! Tom wake up!" Zendaya shook me excitedly. 

"What? What's up, buttercup?"  I replied jokingly. 

"Ugh, shut up Tommy, we're going out with Laura, Jacob, and Tony!"

"What? What time is it? Isn't it a little too early to be drinking?"

"Idiot! We're going for breakfast!"

"Oh, right of course, lemme go to my dorm to get ready," I replied, rubbing my eyes. 

"I already grabbed your stuff, I've been up for a while," Zendaya said, tossing me a small bag. 

"How? How are you not hungover?"

"An entire bottle of aspirin, lots of water, and some of my mother's special tea," Zendaya said. "I also threw up a couple times," she added jokingly. "But in all seriousness, I woke up a while ago, and my hangovers usually fade away over time."

"Cool, just give me a second," I said, getting up and heading to the bathroom.

Zendaya sat down on her bed and scrolled through her phone. I closed the door and started brushing my teeth. I popped my head out and said, "Hey, Z, I'm gonna take a quick shower, I'll be ready soon." She nodded and I went back in. I fussed with the lock, but it refused to turn. I figured it was already locked and I just didn't hear it click. I turned away from the door and stripped my clothes off. 

I turned the faucet on and got in, closing the curtain. I let the water rush over my head as I processed what happened last night. Water has always been a great place for me to think. I made out with my best friend last night. But it was only to help her get over someone. But it didn't have to go that far. We would never let it get between us. And I know that she did it to spite Caled, but is there anyway that was only justification for my actions? When we kissed, it felt.... good. It felt natural. Is that because she's like my sister, though? And did it mean anything to her?  I finished washing through my hair and body and turned the water off. Getting out, I rubbed the towel over my hair and accidentally knocked into the counter, dropping a lot of her products.

Zendaya barged in, not knowing I wasn't clothed bursting out, "Tom, are you okay?" Then she took a moment to process what she had seen, and then rushed out, sitting on her bed. I quickly wrapped the towel around my waist, and slammed the door around my waist.

"Zendaya, what the hell? Jeez, um.. I mean, god damn. Uh, I.... em... sorry you had to see that?"

I looked over at her, rubbing my neck and then stood in front of her. She then starts giggling and starts cracking up. "Dude, chill! I mean, we're friends! Best friends! Just forget it happened, all good! I mean, it's not like I haven't seen it before."

"Okay, first, that was with a cup on, and second, shirtless or briefs hardly count!" I exhale and then sit down. "Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you about that."

"Hm?" She says, her curiosity peaked. 

"You know like, a simple peck would have been enough right? Last night at the party, you said you weren't drunk but I can't think of any other reason why that could happen. I'm not angry or awkward about it, but I'm just a little befuddled. "

"Listen, Tommy, if I'm being completely honest I don't know why. The alcohol had just barely hit me, and I really just... I was hurting in a way I hadn't hurt before. You helped me so much," she said, her voice breaking.

"But I would always do that, tell me why this time was different, I need to understand," I responded, grabbing her hands.

"Tom, I don't know what to tell you. I didn't think it would be that big of a deal."

"So kissing someone isn't a big deal to you?"

"You're not just someone, Tom."

"... That's not what I meant, I just want to know if--"

Zendaya holds her hand up to silence me and checks the text she got. "J and Laura are five minutes away from the diner, we should go."

I sigh and nod, looking away. "Yeah, just let me get dressed." I walked back to the bathroom and got dressed.

I walked back outside and there was a pause of us not knowing what to do. I smiled and held out my hand to her. She took it gladly and we walked to the door, getting in her car going to the diner.

I joined her in the passenger seat and we drove to the diner. We saw Laura and Jacob, sitting with coffee at our usual booth. We walked over to them and sat down.

Zendaya removed her jacket and picked up the menu.

Third Person POV

"Well s**t! Damn, who's the lucky guy?" Jacob said, his eyes directed towards Zendaya's neck.

A waiter approaches our table and we placed our order before turning back to Jacob.

Zendaya shook her head, confused, and asked, "What the hell do you mean?"

"I mean the giant love mark?"


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