I'm Not Going to Stop (Pt. 2)

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Tom's POV

I opened the door the Zendaya's dorm and saw her sitting on her small couch talking to someone. A male.

"Daya?" I gulped.

She turned around, revealing the full face of the man she had been in such deep conversation with before.

"Oh, hey.. Caled."

"Tom, hi."

"Tommy, what are you doing here?" Zendaya asks, sounding nervous.

"Um, I was gonna give you this as a surprise, but I figure now was a good time to cheer you up about Laura..." I couldn't bear being there any longer so I ran out, putting the basket on the counter before I left.

I walked quickly away from her dorm, tears streaming down my face as I made my way towards the one place I knew I could go to feel safe.


Zendaya's POV

I ushered Caled quickly out the room.

"Thank you so much for apologizing, and I'm sorry we have to end like this!"

He sent me a grateful smile, glad I had forgiven him for what he did a while ago.

I slammed the door shut and angrily ran my hands through my hair. Why did I have to put Tom through more stress again???

Deciding the only thing that could make me feel better about Tom was Tom, I slowly opened the basket.

The first thing I noticed was a box of chocolates with a ribbon tied neatly around it. I smiled weakly, and felt my eyes grow moist.

I continued to dig through it and grasped the stems of some beautiful tulips and orchids. A tear slowly dropped down my eye knowing how much effort he put into this, only to find me with another man.

Underneath the flowers was a thin, long red box. I knew it held jewelry, and j shakily lifted the lid to find a stunning rose gold chain with a single word etched onto a bead... "amourex." Lover.

Torturing myself, I convinced my trembling hands to open his letter.

Dear Daya,

You've been the center of my attention for so long now.

You're the shining star in a galaxy of many, and a glimmer in the darkness that is reality.

Somehow I convinced you to be my friend, and in this time of desperation, I wish to do for you what you've unknowingly done for me throughout the years-- be your star.

I know you well enough to realize you want to focus on ensuring Jacob and Laura are well, but refuse to care for yourself. You will train your mind to leave your personal care aside and support your friends ~ your family ~ unconditionally.

I want you to know I'll be here always as a friend. If not more. I will be the one to care for you when you don't do so.

I always knew I would love you forever.

I was a fool for taking this long to realize

I was in love with you.


My tears fell sloppily over his beautiful wording and I hugged my knees to my chest, feeling lost and empty.

I wiped my tears away and called the man I knew would be with Tom at this time.

Ring once
Ring twice
Ring thrice
Until he picked up.

"Downey. Hi. I need your help."

"Tom. He's a mess, Z," Robert whispered.

"He had a misunderstanding but I was too stupid to not explain to him. Now he's gonna think it's true."

"What can I do?"

"I need a location for him."

"Hotel on 26th street and Brooklyn Avenue. Room 308, I'll make sure the hostess knows to let you up, door will be unlocked."

"I'll be there soon."

I hung up and ran to my car, knowing Tom was right about one thing.

I can't stand knowing one of my friends isn't okay.


This is just a VERY SHORT filler and part 3 will be out ASAP, but my new screen protector for my phone sucks and wont let me type so I have to wait until I can access my laptop and keep my creative juices flowing-- c u soon!

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