The Morning After

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Zendaya's POV

The hell? I thought to myself as I groggily woke up. I know where I am, I've been here countless times before, it's Tom's room...

"HOLY SHIT!!!" I screamed.

Tom awoke with a start and then hurriedly grabbed the blanket, covering himself, eyes wide open.

We gasp at seeing what the removal of blanket revealed on my end, and I frantically climbed to the other end of tbe bed, using that portion of the blanket.



We look at each other, absorbing the setting. Two best friends, naked in front of each other, with a condom laying on the ground, yelling at each other.

I start to snicker and he looks at me like I'm demented woman in his bed. Well, arguable.

"Oh, my gosh, okay, get out, I'm changing first," he laughs, tossing my clothes at me. I grab a throw blanket and wrap it around myself, walking to the bathroom chuckling.

After I change, I walk out to see Tom's room cleaned up after the mess we presumably made last night.

"So... I was good, wasn't I?" I joked, only to have him nudge my shoulder with his as we sat next to each other on his bed.

"Honestly? Not a clue. No recollection of last night AT ALL."

"I wish I could say differently, but same here, man."

"Well, wanna go get a coffee? We can, um... talk about it there once we have some other beverage than alcohol in our system."

"Sounds good. There's a new café nearby?"

"Yeah, yeah, that works, let's go," Tom said, getting up. For once, we stood by each other, not knowing quite what to do. We just stood facing each other, tapping our feet, looking at the ceiling, waiting for the other to talk.

He just finally smiled and took my hand, dragging me out of his house to the café. Yeah... this won't be so bad.

Oh my god, I'm so sorry this is so short I just need something ad a filler for my next chapter which will take a while

Oh nooo

Also i stan tom and seb, they are the cutest most genuine actors EVER. I need some help, its killing me

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