Oh, Let's Party (2/2)

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Zendaya's POV

I quickly walked towards Caled, Tom rushing over to meet Tony, Jacob, and Laura. First, I rush towards the bar instead and grab a tequila shot. I shake away my nerves and head over to him.

"Hey, Bernie, Jared, can I steal Caled away really quickly?" I ask, rubbing my hands on my legs.

They both nod, and Caled shrugs and walks into the hallway with me. 

"Why did you lie?" I say, crossing my arms, wanting to get things over with.

"Oh, I figured you would find out. Look, dude, you're like, a good friend, but I think you're gettin' kind of clingy. I just wanted to shake you off!"

"And you couldn't just tell me?"

"Well, then you would try to do something with me again! Like, bro chill out!"

"I thought you wanted to hang out with me?" I tested, my voice getting louder.

"IT WAS A DARREE!" He said, drawing out his words. 

"So, that's really all I was, right? You were just faking having fun with me all this time?"

"Well, maybe we could have had fun if you talked about anything else than Tom! Everything all the time was god damn Tom!"


I storm back inside, where I'm immediately tailed by Tom. I down the first drink I can find, then grab another and another and another. 

"What's wrong, love?" Mutters Tom, grabbing my shoulders. I grab a beer and try to down it again, but Tom grabs it firmly and says, "No more, you're going to regret it! Back in London, they let you drink at your prom, um I mean, your homecoming at my school, and my upper grade friend, Leila? She regretted it instantly. Let's go, we're leaving NOW."

"Yesss, sir!" I say, lazily, stumbling out of the room. Oh, I can feel this booze settling in. 

Third Person POV

Tom gently guided Zendaya to his dorm and laid her down on his bed. 

"W-where you... you sleep, too?" Zendaya groaned, tucking her arm underneath the pillow.

"I've got a spare bed, my roommate transferred. The sheets haven't been changed in a while, so you take mine. It's okay, just stay in bed for now, I'll get you some water and your spare clothes you left last time."

Tom went to his closet, and looked around. Then, he remembered Zendaya took it back when she spilled her lunch on her shirt. He grabbed one of his old shirts instead and some clean basketball shorts.  He snatched up a bottle of water from his counter, then looked over to find Zendaya sound asleep.

He sat down on the edge of the bed and gently removed the covers. Hesitantly, he removed her shirt and pulled her head through his old shirt. He then sat on the bed, contemplating whether or whether not to remove her jeans. Then, deciding nothing would happen, he started to remove her jeans. He quickly grabbed his gym shorts and gently picked one leg up, sliding it through, then the next. Zendaya at this point, woke up, and as Tom went back over to his spare bed, too lazy to change out of his own attire until he heard Zendaya groggily say, "With me please?"

Tom's eyes went wide, knowing she had been awake the entire time, then nodded and got into bed with her. Zendaya wrapped her arm around him resting her head on his chest. 

"It was a dare. No one likes me or loves me. I'm just a game. Entertainment. I was stupid." Z said, breaking down, getting emotional because of her booze. 

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