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so I know that the plot is moving along rlly quickly now but it's so I can get to the juicier stuff and maybe even finish this off and work on a sequel? Idk my mind is all OVER the place but ya hope u enjoyyyyyy

Zendaya's POV

My firmly pressed together lips fluttered against each other as I huffed a loud breath of air out. I was so happy with the dress I chose, but now it just seems... plain. Thank God it'll be covered by the gown for at least a while. 

"You... look stunning." I heard a voice behind me.

"Laura, hey! What are you doing here?" 

"I'm graduating here rather than the abroad program! Yeah, even though I got the extension to stay there longer, I wanted to be here with you guys to graduate," She shrugged.

"Well, you look great. Where did you get that dress?"

"The abroad program-- they have amazing design ideas, there, you know!"

"Did you happen to get anything for me? I'm not loving this dress." 

"Let me look through your closet, maybe I'll help you find something," she suggests, shopping to the closet and rummaging through. I sat on my bed as she tossed some random things out. "Okay, found it."

She hands me some hangers and I change. "You know, I actually love this, thank you! Now, let's go! Now that Jacob's back from his trip to Hawaii, we're all getting together before the ceremony!" I insisted, dragging her out.

 "You know, I actually love this, thank you! Now, let's go! Now that Jacob's back from his trip to Hawaii, we're all getting together before the ceremony!" I insisted, dragging her out

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(Zendaya's outfit if you want it ^)

We met at our café and sat down. "We look really overdressed for a café," Laura joked.

"I think you look great," Tom says, appearing behind our booth. 

"Sup?" Jacob says, popping up behind him. 

"Aww, did you guys start without us?" Angourie and Tiffany run in.

"Of course not! They can't start without me!" Tony says, also appearing alongside Jacob and Tom. They all climb into the booth and I laugh with Laura.

"All united once more. Y'all are losers," I joke, holding hands with Tom. "We don't need to arrive until like, 4:00 because they're handing out the certificates out for clubs first, then by people who aren't in clubs so things go by quicker, and we're all in drama, which is the second club to go, so we go at 4:00." They all nodded and placed their orders. After we ate and paid, we walked back to our cars and Laura and I buckled in. "Let's do this!"


"That, ladies and gentlemen, was our 2018 graduating class of college, congratulations!" (A/N yes im aware they didnt graduate this year)

"We did it!" Laura cheered at the afterparty. 

"We really did. So where are you moving now that you're no longer living in dorms?"

"I'm getting an apartment. Hopefully we can live nearby! Well, I mean actually I don't even know where you're moving... are you and Tom going to take that step?"

"I'm not sure, we haven't talked about it." I said, toying with my bracelet. 

"I'm sure you guys are gonna talk about it soon," Laura smirks, nodding to see over my shoulder.

I turn around and saw Tom approaching with a shy smile on his face. "Hi," I said, hugging him. 

"Hey," he returned. "So, I never quite got to ask you my question," he said, swinging our interlocked hands back and forth. 

"Yeah, you didn't, care to finish that off?" I played along.

"Definitely. Care to join me in the gardens?"

"Yes. Yes I would," I said, walking with him to the school gardens. "So, what's up?" I asked, sitting down on a bench.

"So, I want you to know there should be no pressure to answer this question, but being in that accident made me realize how quickly time flies. And we've known each other long before now, which is why I want to move forward. We've waited long enough for this. Zendaya, will you move in with me?"

The breath was knocked out of my throat and I felt my heart accelerate as my mouth gaped open in the form of a slight smile. Oh, my god. This absolute sweetheart. "Well don't look so worried," I joked. "Of course I say yes," I whisper, grinning as widely as my face would allow. 

"Really?" He asked incredulously.

I nodded once more and he encased me in his arms, as I felt tears slowly fall onto his shoulder.


That was unexpected, wasn't it?

hi. so this was one of my shorter updates bc i think all was said in very few words that needed to be said, ya know? it was just one of dose moments

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