Everything Happens for a Reason

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Third Person POV

The pair of confused young adults made their way to a local café, where they took their orders and sat down in a comfortable silence.

As their chocolate and hazelnut eyes met, Tom's eyes glazed over with the sight of his gorgeous best friend whom he greatly admired. Zendaya, sensing his passion, blushed and said, "So about last night, um..."

Tom smiled, chuckling and teased, "Go on," wanting to hear what she would say.

"I was drunk, but... I hope I can speak for both of us when I say I don't have regrets or feel guilty." The brunette nervous replied.

Tom shook his head saying, "Of course not, but... what is this? What are we? Because the one night stand kind of thing doesn't really appeal to m--"


An angelic, soft, raspy voice sounded behind Tom and the pairs' eyes focused on a petite dirty blonde-haired young female, who stared at Tom with her eyes alight.

"Megan?" Tom responded.

The young lady nodded and blushed, looking down, not saying anything.

"Hi, um, I'm Zendaya, Tom's... friend." Zendaya awkwardly cut in.

"I'm Megan, Thomas and I met during the summer a while back, nice to meet you," she replied courteously.

Megan sported a pair of tan suede lace up boots with acid-washed jeans and a floral halter. Her stunning bright green eyes were friendly and matched her small green pendant on her necklace, which Tom's eyes flew to instantly.

"No way! You still have that? Here, pull up a chair, sit down!" Tom eagerly offered.

Zendaya hesitated then hastily added,"Yeah, you two should catch up, I'm gonna go freshen up. Nice meeting you," Zendaya smiled, excusing herself to the ladies' room.

The British boy, in his haze of excitement, failed to notice Zendaya's look of disappointment as she slowly turned towards
ladies' room. "So, Megan, what are you doing back here? In New York, I mean." Tom asked, his curiosity taking him over.

"Um, well, I'm here for a wedding, so I'll be in town for the weekend," she responded. Megan's hands twiddled around in her lap before asking, "So, uh, who's the girl?"

"Friend of mine. Best friend, actually, she's great."

"That's good," Megan encouraged happily.

"Why didn't you keep in touch?" Tom asked casually. His mind began to wander back to when they last said goodbye to each other, promising to keep in touch and meet up again soon, even if Megan lived in Atlanta. He remembered the good times they had together after meeting at a coffee shop years ago.

Without hesitating, not wanting to slowly peel the bandaid off, and just tear it off quickly, Megan bluntly replied, "My great-aunt Peggy died." (A/N Heeheeeee) She nodded sadly, continuing, "As soon as I came back from visiting New York that summer she died so I, struggled, actually. I got better, I went to therapy for a while. I was diagnosed with depression and anorexia, but I'm much better now."

"That's good."

"Yeah, I mean, I will always love her, but... it's in the past. And everything happens for a reason, so best not dwell on that and focus on what you have now... right?" Megan responded uncertainly, as if not talking about her aunt, but something else. Like perhaps their time spent together time ago?

"Yeah... I mean it depends, sometimes the past is worth revisiting. But I can understand how you felt. Paddy was ill because of a fire. He's recovering, though. Zendaya's about the only thing getting me through. Where is she, anyways?"

"I'll go check the bathroom," Megan volunteered, standing up.

"Thanks," Tom mumbled, looking as Megan walked away.

He sat, sighing exhaustedly, overwhelmed with emotions.

"Thomas?" He heard a worried voice sound behind him. "She's not there."

Tom ran his hand through his hair and said, "I'm so sorry to do this, but I should go."

"No, of course, go look for her! Can I get your number, though?"

"Yeah, please!"

The two quickly exchanged numbers, sent each other a fleeting smile and split apart.

One question remained in Tom's mind, though.

Where was Zendaya?

Hey guys, so this chapter was primarily to introduce Megan, and I had to make sure to fit a lot of elements in, but there is more to come!

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