NO, We Didn't! (Pt. 2)

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Laura's POV

"Um, actually yeah, what is that?" I said uncertainly.

"I don't know! I don't remember getting it!"

"How can you not remember?"

"I don't know!!!"

"How drunk were you???"

"Hey, back off!" Tom interjected.

"Yeah, I mean, it's not like I made love to some random drunkie!"

"Okay, no one said that!"

At this point Tom had whispered something in Zendaya's ear, and after giggling and composing herself, she turned back to us and maintained her straight face for about two seconds.

She then burst out laughing with Tom and she waved her hands frantically in the air, managing to get out, "OH, YOU SUCKERS TOTALLY FELL FOR THAT!"

Tom slung his arm around Zendaya, and they continued to laugh like mad men until they got quite a few stares from nearby customers.

"Wait, so... what?" Asked Jacob.

"It's called makeup!"

"Mmm... and what was the point of that?" I said, not believing it. That looks way too real. If anything, they made out in the car before they came in and wanted to make sure no one found out.

"It's called a joke, Laura. What did you think happened?"

"Funny you should ask. I think you guys hooked up."


Tom's drink dribbled back into his cup, while Zendaya more elegantly choked on hers.

"Yeah. I said it."

"NO, we didn't!" Tom protested.

"Mhm." I say dismissively, sipping my coffee.

They look at each other, fidgeting in their seats.

"Um.... anyways, my parents aren't home this weekend so you guys want to come over and have a small get together?" Tom changed the subject.

"Sounds good to me!" Jacob said.

"Yeah, sounds good," I said, the gears turning in my head. Oh, this is perfect to get them to admit what they did.

"Awesome! Invite who you want, but try to keep it inner circle," Tom nodded.

"No problem. Oh, that's me," Zendaya said as our orders came. Tonight's gonna me fun, I thought as I stabbed my salad with my fork. Very fun.

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