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Zendaya's POV


Panic. Darkness. Fear. Then you open your eyes. And you see a driver running away from the car that hit mine. I looked to my side and saw Tom, who had a large bruise on his temple, blood running down his nose, and a bloody lip.

I tapped his arm hurriedly, to find that he was unconscious from the impact. I quickly opened my newly bent car door and ran to the other side, feeling a bruise on my thigh and a headache but no other injuries. Thank god for air bags. I opened Tom's car door and quickly unbuckled his seat belt. I called an ambulance with trembling fingers and waited for one to arrive, kneeling next to Tom's seat, knowing there was as nothing I could do.

When I heard sirens, I looked up in relief and was approached my some officials asking for information. I told them the driver had ran away and that Tom was unconscious. They let me stay with him in the ambulance to ride to the hospital.

When we arrived, the doctor inspected Tom while I waited in the lobby. I called Jacob, Laura, and Tom's parents. Seeing that Tom's doctor hadn't come out yet, I looked down at the call button my finger was hovering over hesitantly.

Finally deciding to just take the risk, I pressed call.

Dialing once.

Dialing twice.

Dialing thr--


"Hey, Harrison."

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"Ms. Coleman? Would you like to step into Mr. Holland's room?"

I stood up and ran towards his room, hindered slightly by my bruise.

The nurse noticed and she said gently, "While you're in there, why don't we check that leg for internal bruising?"

I smiled shakily and agreed as we approached the room.

She opened the door for me and I stepped in to see Tom was... still unconscious.

I sat on the chair by his bed and the doctor, who had been waiting by the door, softly said, "Based on his inspection, I'm afraid his condition suggests he may be unconscious for up to 1 1/2 weeks more."

"Oh God, Tom." I whispered, rubbing his limp hand.

"Would you care to hear his condition? It's completely understandable if you'd like some rest first. I understand Tom's legal guardians are currently residing elsewhere, and you were his first emergency contact."

"No, yeah, lay it on me." My eyes watered and I looked up at the doctor, preparing for the worst.

"Concussion, unconsciousness, internal bleeding, and a fracture of his left hand."

"Is that it?"

"Unfortunately not. A shard of glass from his window got stuck in his scalp. Now, we're trying to figure out the best approach to this, but I thought I'd inform you."

"Can't you just take it out?"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. He will require stitches, and I assure you, we will have our best surgeon on this, but due to the location of the injury, he will need consultation from a plastic surgeon. She's just getting sterilized, but she will be in soon. As long as you have no problems with seeing blood, I can arrange for you to stay for the consultation if you put on some sterile wear."

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