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Zendaya's POV

My head hung low as my hands pulled the blankets around myself even tighter as I forced my eyes open for Tom.

Tears were threatened but ultimately my eyes were too dry to cry. One of my hands left the blanket and wrapped itself around Tom's. It had already been four days. He should be waking anytime soon.


It had been a full week by now and I had gotten three hours of sleep. How could I sleep when Tom could wake up any minute?

I heard a door open but didn't dare take my eyes off Tom.

"Zendaya, you don't have to leave, but you have to get some sleep." It was Haz.

"Haz," I started as I yawned. "Jacob will be here tomorrow 'cause he got an earlier flight, Tom's family is coming over today, and Laura is on her way over from the airport already, so you should leave and get some rest, too. I am not leaving, I will leave this room when I die and my corpse must be forcibly removed." 

"Zendaya, if Tom wakes up and you're worn out, you won't get to talk to him." He tried to reason.

I sighed. "I know, I just... I want to make sure--"

I was interrupted by a soft groan. We looked to our side to see Tom's eyelids slowly fluttering open. 

"Daya?" Tom mumbled. 

"I should go..." Haz muttered, walking towards the door.

"No... stay." Tom said, sitting up. 

"I'll give you guys some space," I said, smiling going towards the door after pressing the nurse button. "Nurses will be in soon, Tom. Get some rest." I say.

I sit outside and I hear footsteps running towards Tom's door. The nurses were going in to check him up, and when they cleared, I saw Tom's parents. 

I ran towards them and wrapped my arms around Nicola. I hugged Dom next and raised my voice almost yelling, "You're just on time, he woke up. Um, Haz is actually in there now."

Nicola was in tears and she nodded, going into his with Dom. I sighed and looked after them, hearing footsteps approach behind me. "I didn't realize you were this much of a mess without Tom."

I turned to face Laura and grinned widely. "Hi!" I said, rushing to hug her.

She frowned, pulling away from the hug. "You seem happy... why do you seem happy?"

"Tom's awake!" I shakily replied.

"Aww, that's great Z!"

Tom's parents exited with Haz and Laura and I walked in. "Hey, Tom." Laura said.

"Laura, you're here, hi! Thanks for coming. And Daya, I'm so so sorry."

"For what?"

"You got hurt because of me."

"I got hurt??? Tom, you've been unconscious for a week, and I got a bruise. Don't ever scare me like that again..." I laid my hand on his forehead.  "Laura, let's go, Tom needs rest." I said, walking to the door. "See you soon Tom."

He smiled and we met the doctor outside. "Tom's recovery was right on schedule, and it seems as though the surgery was completely successful, we see no issues now that he is awake. However, we will have to keep him here for inspection a further two days. I have to clear it with his parents, but I just thought you might want to know."

I smiled and thanked the doctor, sitting back down with Laura. "Tom must be happy to be awake and talk to you guys. Knowing him he was going crazy because he couldn't see if you were okay while being unconscious. How did it all happen? How did you guys get hit?"

"We were getting a drink because we wanted a break from rehearsing... rehearsing for the play. Ughh, I forgot about that! But you know what, Tom's safety is more important."

"What do you want to do? You know you can't stay here the entire time while Tom gets cleared to go."

"Well, I mean... why don't we plan something for him? Like a welcome back kinda thing. We can invite his theatre friends, and his sports friends, and Jacob will be here in time for the party," I said, the wheels in my head turning. 

"Yeah, and um, did I really see Haz here earlier?" She asked.

"Pffft," I blew out air. "Yeah. What do you think, do we invite him?"

She rolled her eyes. "I've been friends with Tom for a while, and I know the whole story. That's why I was so weird around you when we first met."

"You were weird? I didn't notice," I said laughing.

"Well, I was just uncertain that Tom was really over his crush. Plus, he acted like he barely knew you."

"It was a while ago. I mean, we studied together yes, but with everything going on in his life, I'm surprised he recognized me."

"Well, we should get started on that party."

"Let's do it."

OMgosh this took so long and its just a filler i have so many ideas what tfffffff okay lets do this my dudes

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