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Tom's POV

I gritted my teeth and looked down at the floor.

"Surprise..." he said weakly.

"What in the bloody world do you want, Harrison? I don't need this extra drama now."

"Come on, are you still mad at me?"

"Judging by the fact that I haven't spoken to you since the end of sophomore year of HIGH SCHOOL, what do you think? Plus, aren't you supposed to be at your college? The one that isn't here?"

"Look, mate, I didn't know what I was doin', it was an honest mistake my less mature mind thought was okay?"

"So you're saying that you've matured."

"I have, Tom, trust me!"

"Right. So that means you would have had to have the maturity of a toddler when we were in high school if you've gotten more mature, yet still think it's okay to come to my college and try to convince me you deserve to be forgiven."

Harrison hung his head. "I just, I miss being able to talk to you mate, I--"

"Then maybe you shouldn't have taken everything from me and broken my trust."

"Okay first, that was an accident, and second, you barely knew her at the time!"

"Really? It was an accident that you convinced me to do that jump over the bleachers and break my foot the day before tryouts for basketball?"

"Tom, I--"

"Not only that, but who cares if I barely knew her? You knew I wanted to get to know Zendaya better!"

"Well, in my defense it's not like you made a move!"

"I asked her to be my lab partner, I agreed to be her gym partner when she asked me, we studied together for months after school, and then we only stopped talking when she got busy with drama. After we didn't talk as much, you asked her out!"

"Well, she said no! And plus, maybe if you weren't so busy with her, I would be more informed of your interest in her!"

"Are you here to make a fool of yourself or another dipshit reason?"

"I'm here because I wanted to apologize. I was cleaning my dorm and I found an old picture of you. From fourth grade in the school play. You and Zendaya were Maria and Baron von Trapp in The Sound of Music, and I was Max. It reminded me of old times."

"You know what?"


"I was wrong."


"Yeah. You're not a dipshit, you're a dickhead. Thinking you can play on my emotions to get me to forgive you? That's just wrong. Try again when you're willing to work for it."

"You're right. See you around, Tom."

I shut the door firmly and then sat down, rubbing my temples.

I leaned back in my chair and thought, What the hell just happened? How did he know my dorm number? Why in the bloody world did he think it was okay to do this? Does he--

Like a bomb detonating in a deserted town, a sharp knock sounded at my door. Could it be Harrison again?

I opened the door yelling, "Haz, what do you want with--"

My eyes finally registered seeing a Zendaya with an entirely new look.

"Oh, god, I'm so sorry, I was expecting Haz! And you're back early! And you look great! Come in, sit down."

"Wait, Haz from high school? And also, I have to confess I never left..."

"Yes, and what?"

"Darnell talked to me and helped me realize what I wanted. I wanted something to help me feel more like me, ie a new haircut and a couple outfits."

"You look gorgeous. I'm glad one of us had a good weekend."

"You know, I still never understood  why you guys stopped talking. I always saw you two together."

"We stopped talking because of you."

"Wow, um, okay..."

"It wasn't your fault, you did nothing, but I wanted to ask you out and then I broke my foot, also because of Haz, so I missed a day at school, when he asked you out. The day I was going to. Which he knew."

"I said no... why didn't you just do it after?"

"He told me why when I asked. You said you wanted to focus on drama more and that you weren't looking to date anyone. I wanted to respect that."

"Well, that's the Tom I know, and adorably sweet, but I never told him that."

Third Person POV


"I told him he seemed nice and hung with good people, but I didn't know him well enough."

"Oh... so I had a chance?"

"Tom, we may have stopped talking, but I never stopped thinking about my sweet... cute, old study partner."

"So... Zendaya..."

The two moved closer to each other, faces mere inches apart.

"Yes, Tommy?"

"Will you go out with me?"

Zendaya smiled and gently pulled Tom's face towards hers, interlocking their lips.

"Yeah, I think I'd like that."

We've Got Tonight-- TomdayaWhere stories live. Discover now