My Lips are Sealed

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Tom's POV

I put my phone down just as the nurse walked into the room. "So, Mr. Holland, you're all set to go, and if your parents are picking you up, I'd love to talk to them, let them know you're okay?"

"They had to go home early, but I'll call them. And my girlfriend is picking me up." I confirmed. 

"Sounds good, will she be here soon?"

"Yes, I'm sure, should I wait in here?"

"That'd be great, but you may get changed into your regular clothes now if you like."

"She's bringing me a change of clothes, so I'll get changed and get out of your hair."

"Great! So I think your parents already signed off on the charges, the doctor cleared you for injuries, and everything else is set. Hopefully we won't have to see you soon again, Mr. Holland. Best wishes," she says, leaving the room. I smile and flop back against my pillow, my gown getting crinkled beneath me. I pull a picture of Zendaya out on my phone and smile. She hasn't come to visit much, but she wants me to get rest so I haven't thought much about it. 

I heard a knock on the door and knowing it was probably Zendaya, I said, "Come in."

After a couple of silent seconds, with no one coming in I said, "Hello?"

The door slowly opened and in came...


"Hey, Tom. You ready to go? Well, you're still in a gown, so obviously not. That was a dumb question, but uh, there's, we can, I have a change of cl--clothes that Daya gave me, if you want. Because I didn't pick it, she did, so it's okay."

I nodded. "Look Haz do you remember what I said to you when you came in the other day? Nothing has to be awkward, but I can't forgive you that quickly. I appreciate you making the effort."

"Yeah. I understand, but uh, Zendaya had to go talk to your theatre instructor about your absences in class and you guys missing audition so she called me to pick you up. It was last minute so she couldn't tell you."

"That's fine, let me get changed and then we can go. Wanna wait in the lobby mate?"

"Yeah, sure." He smiled slightly and left. I sighed and got changed then met him outside. We walked to his car in silence and started driving.

"So, how are you? What you been doin' recently?" I asked.

"Studies are good, and I have a steady job. What about you, do you have a job?"

"Yeah, weekend shifts only though. I make enough to support myself, though. I've been on paid vacation for a while because of finals (A/N now would be a good time to mention this is now senior year of college cuz when the story started it was junior year but time flies by hehe so to clarify this is finals of senior year), but that's ending soon. My boss is a close family friend so he allowed me a paid vacation rather than no income," I responded. 

"So, you and Z, huh?"

"Yep. That's pretty recent but you know, it's no different than from before. Same relationship, no different changes. I'm just lucky enough to have her."

"Not that I believe you guys won't last, but are you gonna make a big move?"

"Yeah. Based off the fact that I was unconscious for a while, it just made me realize how short life is. I plan on asking something soon."

"Asking?" He turned to me briefly before turning back to the road. "Like a proposal?"

"God no. I'm not that mature," I joked. "Just something else."

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