When the Time is Right

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Tom's POV

I hurried to our college dorms, where I barged into Zendaya's room, not bothering to ask if I could come in. 

She looked up casually, immediately turning back to her phone. 

"The hell?" I asked. 

"What do you need, Thomas?" She asks coldly.

"What, no Tommy?" I fished, for any results. 

"So you want me to call you that after repeatedly telling me not to?"

"Isn't that what makes you happy?"

"Sure, but that doesn't matter. Does she make you happy? Megan?"

"We met the summer before we became friends. I didn't think I would see her again, but yeah, I mean, we had fun together... but look that doesn't matter, I'm probably never gonna talk to her or see her again!"

"Just because you didn't see me doesn't mean I didn't see you, Tom. We're gonna speak openly and honestly with each other right now, which is what we always do, right? So I'm gonna start and say that you should spend time with her to see if it can turn into more. I honestly need some time for myself, Darnell is going on a vacation with his family, and I'm gonna go. It's just a weekend." She paused, biting her lip. "I was there, Tom. I saw you guys talk, and I knew you were really familiar with each other by just looking at you. I wanted to give you guys your space. So I took the back exit out into the parking lot and walked back."

"You didn't have to do that. You don't... have to do that, you don't have to leave, Daya!"

"I think I do, Tom... I'm not mad you like her, I'm mad you didn't tell me about her." 

I sighed, and sat next to her, where she was situated on the floor leaning against her bed. 

"I'm gonna miss you."

"It's a weekend, Tom. I don't think you'll be too devastated."

"Just... I'll call her, and I'll have lunch with her. I don't know what you're expecting out of this, but I'll do it for you."

"Thank you. I'll see you soon, okay? I'm gonna start packing."

She stood up and I remained on the floor. "Hey." She said sternly. "You might be thanking me for this later, okay?"

I stood up and just kissed her on the cheek. "When the time is right, we'll know what we have to do." I walked up, a bitter smile in it's place upon my face. "See you soon, Daya."

Time to make a call. 

Zendaya's POV

I sighed, running my hand through my hair as I finished closing my suitcase.

I quickly grabbed my keys and ran to my car, driving to meet Darnell. (A/N Let's pretend he lives here, shall we?) Just as I pull into his driveway, he runs out, embracing me in a hug.

"Zendeesha! What's up?"

"Hey, Darnell, is it cool if I tag along with you this weekend?"

"Yeah, the more the merrier! You know we love you and Tom!"

At his words, I freeze. "Who said anything about Tom?"

At this his excited smile drops and he rolls his eyes, leading me into his house.

We sit down on his bed and he says, "Deesha, you and Tom are a package deal. What's up?"

"Um... so apparently the summer before we became friends, Tom met a girl named Megan. They hung out the entire summer. She showed up at a café, where Tom and I were discussing our relationship, and I--"

"Wait, what's this to do with your relationship?"

"We hooked up drunk. But before that we kissed. We were trying to figure out what we were at the café, but as soon as she came, Tom... ignored me."

"And... what's making you upset?"

"I excused myself to the bathroom. I watched them talk, I just wanted to give them space and... observe. They didn't notice I was gone for almost 10 minutes. I want some space to figure things out while they..." I pause, not knowing what to say. "Bond."

Darnell stands up, hugs me and says, "Let's go then."

"Also one more thing."

He looks at me, his curiosity peaked.

"I want a makeover."

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