I'm Not Going to Stop (Pt. 3)

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Zendaya's POV

After dealing with an impatient hostess at the front desk I quickly got into the elevator and called Robert.

"Hi, Robert, I'm in the elevator coming up."

"Alright. I'm going to excuse myself to go get something from my car, and not take a card key, I'll tell him to let me in when I knock. You knock and he will let you in. Sound solid?"

"Yes, yes, yes. Thank you."

"No problem. Just make sure everything gets resolved. I need the kid to be alright, k?"

"Of course. See you soon."

I jogged down the hallway and found his room on the right side. I knocked and he responded in a baggy sweatshirt and jeans.

He hung his head looking away and mumbled, "Hey, Zendaya, Robert just left if you need him. But, I... guess you're the reason he left and that's why he took that call."

I nod guiltily and he continues, "Come in, then if you'd like."

I step past him and sit down on the couch. I run my hands nervously on my Jean's and say, "Tom, I wanna start by saying the gift you got me was beautiful."

He looked up and undressed his arms, whispering, "You liked it?"

I took my necklace out from underneath my shirt and said, "Yeah, Tom, I did. And it made me fall in love with you all over again." I start to tear up, and no matter how mad Tom was at me, he instantly sat and put his arms around me.

I sniffle and continue with a quavering voice, "Tom what you saw in there is not what you think it was, it was Caled apologizing for being a jerk, I didn't invite him over, okay? There is nothing going on between the two of us, please..."

He shushed me and smiled, enveloping me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around him, and he stroked my hair, calming me down.

"I didn't mean to make you upset, Daya, it's okay... I'm sorry I made you feel bad." He apologized and cupped my face. "Are you okay?"

"God, Tom. You just gave me the sweetest gift ever. You forgave me. Over and over, I'm over the moon. I'm so lucky..."

At this point I broke down and Tom pressed his forehead to mine and said, "I love you, Daya. You deserve everything ever given to you."

Smiling as largely as my face could manage, I whisper back, "I love you. Tommy."

The door opens quietly and a humorous voice cuts through the air. "So, I can see you guys clearly hate each other. Should I get a therapist?"

I look past Tom to see Robert and I smile. "I think we need about three months of appointments."

He smiles and makes his way over to us. "Happy to set them up. I know a great therapist, his name is online Tomdaya posts by your friends, have you checked Jacob and Laura's Instagrams lately?"

I pulled out my phone and saw first Jacob's picture which was a picture of Tom and I from grade school in the play. He captioned it, "Spread the word-- #tomdaya"

I liked the post and commented, "🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄"

Scrolling down, I found Laura's post,  which Tom had already commented, "u tattletale!" on. I saw the picture which was Tom as a ballerina for Halloween and her caption which was, "remember this? if u dont, hopefully u remember how after u started gushing about ur great new study partner? Wonder who that is... 🤔 #tomdaya"

I through my phone on the couch while Tom put his on speaker for his call with Jacob, and ad soon as he picked up, Tom shouted, "You dick!"

Jacob responded with uproarious laughter and I joined in, yelling, "J, you're a madman!"

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