I Do. (Part 2-- Finale)

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Third Person POV

"So, what do you think?" I asked, trying on the first option.

"Next." Laura dismissed. I came out in the next dress and she immediately said, "Next." You can imagine how the next option went.

Option 1: 

Option 2: 

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Option 2: 

Option 3: 

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Option 3: 

"I think either the first or last option," Laura said

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"I think either the first or last option," Laura said. 

"Really? I thought the--" 

"You know what? There's no choice, it's only the first option that makes sense." Laura interrupted.

"Oh, thank god, you read my mind!" I exclaimed. "Who knew getting married was so hard? But it's also a good thing for the woman to propose so she can choose her own ring. Like I trust Tom, but he has an awful sense of style."

"Oh, my god, one day when you were absent, he showed up in an Iron Man shirt and plaid pants with suspenders. Granted, it was first grade, but the man didn't know what he was doing."

"Ooh, that's bad. Alright, so let's buy this baby and then go to get shoes, and consult the hair and makeup artist." 

"Oh, I can't believe you're actually doing this! This is so exciting! But, just to clarify, because I was never officially asked, I will be the bridesmaid right?"

"Girl, of course, now let's go!"


As I looked at myself in the mirror, my dress on and my face bare awaiting its makeup, I heard a knock on the door and quickly ran to go answer it. The makeup and hair artist stepped in and we got everything done. 

"Let's go get married."

"Zendaya! That's your cue!" Laura says, peeking her head out before speed-walking towards the aisle. 

I waited to hear the march before I stepped out and smiled at Tom before arriving at my destination. Looking at Tom's face, everything else was drowned out. Speak now or hold your peace, blah blah blah, till death do we part, blah blah blah, and now the vows. 

"Never did I think there was a day I would be proposing to someone, Tom. But that's where you came in. You made everything so surreal so real. I will be forever grateful for that. And for you. You have stood by my side when we were little kids singing mindlessly along to a simple piano tune in Willy Wonka the play, and patching me up after your ball got away from you in high school. You, were always there."

Tom smiled at me and grabbed my hand before he started, "Zendaya, you were the best thing to happen to me. You bring me joy, you bring me a sense of reality, and I don't need to know that we'll always be husband and wife, I just want to know that you'll always be by my side for as long as I can convince you to. And if that is just this one night before we realize how crazy we are," he chuckled. "Then, all I can say is that we've got tonight, and that's all we will ever need." 

"You may now kiss your bride."

I clutched Tom's face and kissed him with all I could. "We've got tonight, Tom. And the rest of eternity."

HI I AM SO SO SO SORRY OK THIS IS SHORT AND RUSHED AND I HAVE AN EXPLANATION. so i think that as i kept writing, i lost interest in this specific story plot. now dont get me wrong, im a strong tomdaya shipper, and always will be. however, i think the pressure of knowing that people enjoy my updates (which makes me unbearably happy) makes it tougher to take pride in what i write, and i can no longer look at what i write and think yes, thats great and fresh, and everyone will love it


id like to go back to writing romanogers bc as weird as it sounds, romanogers is why i started getting into fanfics, and i have a strategy. ive already started working on a story but havent published it so that way im able to look back on what i write and publish it, and be able to have updates. SO ITS OK IF U DONT WANT TO READ IT, DONT READ IT, I WRITE FOR JOY AND FOR OTHERS JOY SO TYSM FOR READING THIS STORY AND IF I WANNA CONTINUE IT IF I HAVE A MENTAL U TURN, THEN ILL WRITE A SEQUEL OR DO WHATEVER MY SHITTY MIND WANTS SO THANK U AND GOOD BYE FOR NOWWWWW

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