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Warning: sexual activity

Third Person POV

Tom grunted softly as he set down another box in the master bedroom, where he and Zendaya would both be moving into, transforming Tom's old room into a guest room.

He turned around and grabbed a box from Zendaya labeled, "Albums/Memories." He smiled softly as he sat down on the ground, opening the lightly sealed cardboard box.

Zendaya, who had left to retrieve another box, reentered the large and empty room, smiling at the sight of a tired Tom on the ground. "Look at them." She urged Tom, who eagerly drove into the first album.

"Is that Noon?" The young male chuckled, running his calloused finger over the picture of a young black puppy.

The brunette looked over his shoulder and nodded, eyes gleaming with affection for the small creature. She turned back into the box and dug another album out. "That one you have is mainly early childhood. These are when I got into an elementary school. When I met you."

Tom smiled and scooted closer to her, reminiscing at the sight of a carefree Zendaya, finger painting a small butterfly next to Tom, who had a picture of a dog and a stick figure boy with a smile on its lopsided face. Zendaya let out a low chuckle, turning the page to her first performance in front of an audience.

"Do you remember? We never talked until high school. But that was after a long period of not talking in middle school. Elementary school us were pretty friendly with each other."

Tom looked at her. "I think we owe that to us being the leads in the play, the first time in many."

"But even before that, do you not remember?" Zendaya asked Tom, giggles escaping her.

"No, I don't, what is it?"

"Well, so at this point, your parents still lived in the Americas. So, they insisted that you go to the play and support your classmates. Actually, wait, why did your parents move back to London, you never said."

"Well, they met in London and got married there. But when my mum had me, we moved here and they got this house. Afterwards, around the same time the twins needed to be enrolled in college, my dad got an offer, so they moved back and the twins are in college at London now. I mean, they come to visit a lot, but now," Tom paused momentarily and pulled Zendaya closer to him. "We have the house to ourselves, he concluded, his lips brushing onto Zendaya's, his hands on her waist. She returned his kiss with plenty of her own and soon they laid on the ground, allowing their bodies, hands, and tongues to relieve them of their stress and tension.

Tom removed his shirt and hungrily carried Zendaya onto the bed in his old room. Zendaya threw her shirt to the side and passionately allowed her tongue to explore Tom's mouth, as she had once done before at the party. The pair removed their final articles of clothing and continued to pleasure each other.

You can imagine how they went on.

As the pair lay tired on the bed later on, Tom stroking Zendaya's hair, he turned to face her and said, "So. Finish your story."

"What?" She laughed.

"The one about your elementary school performance."

"Oh," she said, propping herself up on her elbow and facing him. "Well, personally, I can't believe you don't remember. It was third grade talent show. And because our parents were friends, they had dinner at my house and you and I hung out upstairs. I was rehearsing and ignoring you until you asked if you could help. That's when we became semi-friends. You did that routine with me and I remember getting mad at you for distracting me and making me laugh too hard."

Tom lay on his back, staring at the ceiling. "I seriously can't remember this... God, okay, wait go on," he urged.

"So, during the actual performance," Zendaya continued, getting out of the bed and tossing Tom's baggy shirt over her head, making him smile. As she grabbed the album, she explained, "I froze for the first ten seconds, and they didn't start the music because I was meant to introduce myself first." She climbed back onto the bed, grinning. "And you ran up to the bottom of the stage, and you were so short you had to tiptoe to see above it. You told me to introduce myself and then look at you." 

He started running his fingers through her silky hair and she leaned into his touch before he said, "This is the only part I remember." She looked at him and he looked up in consideration laughing, "After you introduced yourself, didn't I start the routine and then run away from the stage to cheer you on?"

"Oh, my god, you cheered so loudly." Zendaya flipped to the page of her picture. "My mom captured the exact moment you yelled 'That's my friend, Daya! I know her!' and I smiled. She took the picture then, and then gave you a rose to give to me. You handed it to me and we had a sleepover. After fourth grade, though, we never talked on a regular basis because you got into sports. Damn, we were like an on and off couple weren't we? Elementary school, no middle school, half of high school not talking to each other, then talking to each other, and now college graduation living together."

We should have a date tonight. Go through some of our old memories. We have a lot of them," Tom suggested, kissing her hand. 

"How can I resist that face?" She asked, pecking him once more. "We can order takeout food and watch movies in the basement?" She hopefully pleaded with her eyes. 

"Well... how can I resist that face?" Tom replied jokingly, getting up and heading to the bathroom. "Let me shower and then I can set up the movie. What are we watching?"

"Mmm... I wanna watch The Little Mermaid!" Zendaya said. "Today seems like a good day to relax and recall some good memories," She smiles at him. 

"Memories are precious." Tom agrees.

They really are.

god ok this is sappy but i have ideas but before it gets too chaotic i wanted to have some nice downtime but i also never want to write a chapter like this again cuz im not a huge fan of sappiness


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