I Do. (Pt. 1-- Finale)

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Five months later

Zendaya's POV

I woke up beside an angelic looking sleeping Tom, and carefully got out of bed to get dressed and start the day. Today is the day to execute my special plan.

I quickly and quietly ran down the stairs and made Tom breakfast, grabbing a granola bar and apple before running out of the house with my purse. I stopped at the mall and got what I needed before returning home and hiding it in the basement closet behind the Christmas decorations. I ran back upstairs where I found Tom's breakfast fully demolished. I ran upstairs to the bedroom where I found him on his phone, lying on his back, still not dressed in his shorts and no shirt. I jumped on top of him and rolled over, making him laugh and I pecked him quickly on the cheek before rolling off of him and flopping down beside him. 

"Where did you go?" He asked, pouting. "I missed you."

"I ran to the mall to make an errand. What are we doing today?"

"Well, we could... what if we go visit Laura? We haven't seen her in a while."

"Ooh, yeah, sounds fun!"

"We should meet her somewhere, like... that place in the mall..."

"How about I organize it, and you stay here and look cute?" I suggested. 

"Works for me," he sighed, rolling over and pressing his face into the pillows. I kissed his back and ran downstairs. I pulled my purchase from the mall out and fingered it carefully before I transferred it to a storage wardrobe and texted Laura. 

Me: hey girl! i need ur help w something

Laura: hey! havent heard from u in a while, whats up?

Me: i have a plan....


"Hey, so how did you find this place?" Tom asked, reclining his seat. 

I buckled in and shrugged. "Yelp." We drove in silence until Tom turned the radio on and started humming mindlessly along. I laughed at him and turned back to the road. "Do you ever get scared again? Of getting hurt?" I asked.

"Daya, it's been months, you're not still scared for me?" He asked gently. 

"Tom, there's no warning. You never know when anything is going to happen." He sympathetically rubbed my leg and I sighed,  focusing on the road. 

"Babe, you can't be worried like that. Even if one of us is in a coma, or fighting death because of a bullet in our lungs or something, both of us will know that we are with each other. Don't worry." I nodded and pulled over at a garden. "Hey, no one's here, are we sure that we're allowed to be here?" He asked. I smiled with my back turned to him and wordlessly continued into the garden. 

I finally turned to him and brought a small ring out of my pocket. "Remember that errand from earlier?" I asked.

"No way," he smiled. 

"Thomas Stanley Holland, I would love to spend the rest of my life with you, but I think that I'm finally confident enough to just ask: will you marry me?" I shakily asked, smiling nervously. 

"Oh, love, I can't believe you did this! Is that why Laura was acting so weird when I texted her?"

"Well duh! But, uh, what do you say Tom? Will you be my husband?"

"Of course," he whispered, hugging me close. 

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