The Movie (1/2)

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Zendaya's POV

Knock, knock, knock

"Coming!" I called, hoping off my bed towards the door.

"Hey, Daya!"

"Come in, Tommy!"

"Hey, you look nice!"

"I'm figuring out what I'm wearing for the party first, then I'm just gonna change into some sweats and be ready to go."

"Oh, why don't you just wear your pink crop-top underneath the sweatshirt? Wear jeans instead, and you'll be set to go!"

"Oh, nice idea!" I walked to the closet and got it out. I stripped my shirt off and threw the crop-top, then put on my distressed jeans. I walked out of the closet, grabbed my sweatshirt and phone, then motioned for Tom to follow me out. We exited the dorm and I said, "Sorry I've been a little closed off, I just wanted to make sure before I told anyone. I only told Laura because she's my girl friend."

"Sure, what is it?"

"I think I like someone."

Tom stopped dead in his tracks, then kept on walking saying, "Wouldn't happen to be Caled, would it?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?" I said, holding out my hand. Tom took it and we walked holding hands towards the exit. There was nothing romantic about this movement, Tom and I just like to be close in each other's company like this.

"You told me you already talked to Laura about it, and when you chose Caled first for dodgeball, and Laura didn't seem confused, I'm just now kinda putting two and two together."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," I said, giving his hand a squeeze.

Tom doesn't say anything, deep in thought, then as we stand by the school's exit, he pulled me into a hug. I immediately hugged back and he said, "Happy for you, Zendaya," his voice muffled by my shoulder.

"Thank you, Tommy," I returned. "Now can we please get some ice-cream?"

"As you wish," he said, opening the school's door for me.

We headed down to the ice stream parlor and stood in line. Tom stood biting his lip for a while before saying, "You should invite Caled to the movie," while looking at the floor.

"Really?" I said hopefully.

He shrugs, crossing his arms. "I mean, sure, since you're probably going to be hanging with him a lot."

"Thanks, Tommy," I said, pulling out my phone. I texted Cal who quickly responded with, 'Sounds fun! 🤗 See you there!' I put my phone away and said, "He's good to go. Oh, we're up next in line."

"Hi, can I have one scoop of coffee in a cup and a single scoop of strawberry in a cup?" Tom said, pulling out his wallet.

He pays and then, says, "Why don't you find a table? I'll get water and bring the ice-creams over."

I walked to the nearest table for two and sat down. Tom walked over with napkins, spoons, waters, and the ice-cream. He sits down and we both start eating.

"Can I have some of yours?" I say. He offers me his spoon and I take it, then I give him some of mine.

"Is Caled going to be at the party?"

"I'm not sure, why?"

"Well, I'm not sure if I still want to go, so I just wanted to make sure you were on good company while Jacob and Laura drink excessively," he explains, finishing off his scoop.

"Wait, why aren't you coming?"

"It's not big deal, I don't wanna bring everyone down, I'm feeling a little out of it."

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