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Tom's POV

"Hey, Megan."

"Hi, Tom! Um, is something wrong?"

"No, I just wanted to call to see if you wanted to get together for lunch tomorrow, just catch up."

"Sure, that sounds lovely! How about we eat at the restaurant below my hotel?"

"Sure, I'll swing by around 12:30?"

"Sure, see you then!"

I hang up and flop down onto my bed, letting out a huge sigh.

I pull up Zendaya's contact: "💘 Daya ❤️"

I go to call her, then pause. If she wanted her time away, I should respect that. Plus Darnell hasn't seen her in a while, so best let them catch up.

I call Jacob and ask him to swing by my dorm to let him know what's happening.

Needless to say, there was a lot of screaming.

Zendaya's POV

"So, are we talking whole wardrobe, hair, and makeup, or what?"

"How much can you help me with within two days?"

"Easy. Wardrobe one day, then hair and makeup."


"Also, one more thing!"


"I'm not doing this."

"Yeah, I figured."

"Z, changing yourself isn't gonna help you figure out what's happening with you and Tom. Do you wanna be with him? Cuz pushing him towards another girl isn't gonna help."

"You're right." I bit my lip in frustration, not knowing what to do. "You know what? This is crazy, I'm just gonna go and tell him what I want."

"So what you're sayin' is you wanna cancel on the trip we were gonna leave on in 3 minutes?"


Darnell let out a sigh of relief and said casually, "Good! I thought we would have to stall first by getting snacks at a gas station!"

"Uh! So your plan the entire time was to ditch me?"

"Deesha, I have your best interests in mind, always. And I just didn't see what that makeover would do for you."

"I know what I want now, but the thing is this makeover is for me! A personal transformation to help myself evolve. And then I can feel more at peace with myself. Look I don't need new makeup, but I want to change my look. Hair snd wardrobe only, please?"

"Alright fine. But only one weeks worth of full outfits, I refuse to help you waste more money on something that might not even last!"

"Ah, yes, thank you Darnell!!"

I hugged him and then rubbed my hand eagerly on my lap.

"Let's begin!"

Darnell studied my excited face for a while as I looked at online catalogs.


"What would you do if Tom ends up dating this girl?"

"I would support him, duh."

"Alright, lemme rephrase that. How would you feel?"

I hesitate. Why, I don't know. I know exactly how I would feel. "I'd feel like crap. I'd feel lost and alone. And jealous. I'd be, really jealous."

"Tom wouldn't let that happen to you."

I smiled. "He wouldn't."

I toyed with the bracelet he gave me a while ago. "Now let's get cracking-- we have a lot of work to do."

Tom's POV

I locked my car and headed inside to the restaurant, feeling both anxious and bored. Why am I here? I told the front desk my name for the reservation and took my seat.

I looked around, and then saw Megan, with a huge smile on her face, coming to sit down.

"Hi, Thomas!"

"Hey, Megan, how are you?"

"I'm good thanks, you?"

"Really well, actually. So, what are you thinking of ordering?"

"Probably a sandwich, they're great here. What about you?"

"Maybe a salad. So um, how's life? Missing your friends back home?"

"Yeah, and one person specifically."

"I know a lot about that."

"Zendaya, right?"

"Yeah, she's absolutely amazing."

"You really like her. She feels the same way. I'm hoping you weren't daft enough to not notice how put off she felt yesterday."

"Yeah, she's off on a little trip, just for some alone time."

"So, is she a significant other or a friend? Because to anyone looking at you two, she's the one."

"Em, it's a bit complicated, but I certainly hope that's true. What about you?"

"Uh, well-- oh, hi!" Megan looked up to see a server awaiting our order. After she gave our orders, she turned back to me and continued, "Her name's Camille, she's, the light of my life."

Light of her life sounds serious...

"She's something special, just like Zendaya."

"Aww, that's amazing! How long have you known her?"

"About a year. She's, um..."

I took a sip of water and Megan stopped.

When I swallowed, she continued, "My girlfriend of nine months, though."

My eyebrows flew upwards and I stuttered out, "Really..? That's amazing, congrats!"

She let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank God, I was hoping you weren't one of those bisexual banishing bitches!"

"Wow, that's a bit harsh, though, no?"

She snorted. "Camille made it up. She had very strong opinions about her last boyfriend who hated it when she came out."

"She sounds lovely. It'd be great to meet her, sometime. We should all get together this year, do you remember Jacob?"

"Yeah, the funny one?"

"Super funny!"

She laughed, and as she did, our waiter brought the food out.

We ate, continuing to make small talk until we were done eating.

Megan smiled and said, "This has been really fun, Tom. Can we do it again sometime?"

"Yeah, that'd be great. See you soon, Megan!"

I hugged her and made my way towards my car. Once I got in I messaged Z, "Lunch went well. Megan not what u thought she was. 🤔"

She read the message instantly and replied, "??"

"tell u more in person when u get back, have fun on ur trip! 😉" I sent the msssage and then drove back to the college dorms.

I entered my dorm and flopped down onto the bed, exhausted.

I closed my eyes for a solid five seconds before I heard a knock at my door.

I opened the door and saw...


We've Got Tonight-- TomdayaWhere stories live. Discover now