Did You? (Pt. 3)

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Tom's POV

As Zendaya helped me set everything up for our friends later, I couldn't help but stare at her.

"Yes?" She said, crossing her arms.

I walk over to her and say, "Daya, I love you with all of my heart, but I need to know why you did what you did. Nothing will ever ruin our amazing friendship, but there can't be any things unsaid."


As we sat in the car in the parking lot of the diner, Zendaya held my arm and said, "Wait, Tom."


"Did what we do matter to you at all?"

I hesitated. "I was wondering the same thing about you."

"I don't know, honestly. We have a strong friendship. Please don't let me ruin it." Zendaya bit her lip, and then in the rush of the moment, she leaned in. I connected our lips, desperate to figure out what was happening.

We broke apart, and I asked, "So? What now?"

"I still don't know."

I nodded and asked, "Can I try something?" She nodded and I slowly kissed her neck, allowing both of us to absorb what was happening. When I pulled away, I said, "We need to figure out how to cover that up."

She laughed, punching me in the arm crowing, "Look what you did, you Brit!"

"Okay, it's fine, you're good at improv, you're the best in drama, you figure something out. But... did you figure something out?"

"Yeah. I know what it is now." She smiled and left the car.

I sat dumbfounded in my seat, muttering to myself, "Well, what is it???"

End of Flashback.

Present Day

I sat us down on the couch and looked at her in the eyes. She looked towards the ground and said, "When we kissed, it.... it felt right. Righter than it ever did with.... you know, with Trevor."

"How do you know what that means though?"

"I don't know what it means. Trevor wasn't the right one for me, so kissing Jacob would have even felt more right than him, but.... this is different."

"This is gonna sound weird, but... my brothers would always tell me that we had chemistry. When I told Harry about how we first talked in high school, he asked me if I had ever talked to you before. I said, yeah, in kindergarten. We were partners for the finger-painting project, and when I messed up, you told me that instead of drawing a caterpillar, ours would be better because you knew how to make a "futterfly." I couldn't stop smiling. Then, second grade, we were partners for the P.E. Olympics. We got second by one point, and you said your parents would be mad at you. I told you that losing by one point is better, because it shows the winners that they have real competition. Then, fifth grade."

"We did our respiratory report together, and when I read a typo out loud in our speech, you said the left lung was called the heft lung because it was fatter, because it carried more air. Sixth grade you dropped your s'more during the solar oven project so I complained and cried until the teacher gave us a new one. Then high school when your ball hit me, you didn't leave me until I was okay."

"You see? Even when we didn't know each other, we always had each other's backs. And now we're... What are we?"

Zendaya looked at me and we sat, just looking at each other. She looked down at my lips and then back up at my eyes. I raised my eyebrows so as to say, "Should we?"

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