No. (Pt. 4)

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Tom's POV

I downed two more shots, something in my mind convincing me it was the right thing to do. I then sat with my eyes closed just enjoying the dead silence. I then opened them and proceeded to say, "It was... it was like, you know how if cows were happy then they would try to be...  ha--happy together? Thas...  that's what we did!" I slurred.

"So you did?"

"No." I say, letting my fist drop onto the table like a pouting three year-old. What was the question again? I thought. "Maybe? Who knows? All I know is that Zendaya looks really pretty right now," I said, giggling and collapsing into the lap of a rambunctious Jacob.

"Yo, let's all just chiiiiiill out here!" Says Angourie, while she and Tiffany pet each other's hair.

"Yeah," Tony laughed. "We should all just drink!"

Angourie and Tiffany nodded, reaching for their beers as Jacob simply grabbed Tony's, and drank it, and then his own.

That went on for a good five minutes and it was fair to say everyone was drunk.

"Let's do something else!" Angourie said, rolling and crossing her eyes goofily.

Turns out that something else for Angourie and Tiff was sleeping.

Third Person POV

Laura rolled her eyes and said, "I should go, I need to get all these people home. Designated driver."

"Bye, bye!!! I will see you tomorrow!" Zendaya says, saluting them.

Before leaving, Laura helped the boozed-up group clean up and then leads Zendaya and Tom upstairs.

"I'm gonna go now, but don't do anything stupid, okay??" She said half-jokingly.

Tom points to himself lazily and scoffs, "I would never."

Zendaya just cracks up and says, "Are beavers just fake platypusses?"

Lauda rolls her eyes and throws her hands up in defeat as she exits. As soon as she does, Zendaya walks slowly and sloppily to the bathroom and throws up in the toilet. Tom walks over and hold her hair back. She finished and drinks a cup of water.

Tom stared intently at Zendaya's back as she changed.

His drunken mind was soon filled with thoughts such as, "Zendaya's skin is a nice color. Her hair is pretty," and, "I'm kind of horny right now."

When Zendaya was finished, she was pulled onto the bed with Tom as he stared into her eyes.

Tom kissed her slowly and a tipsy Zendaya responded, her hands roaming Tom's back. Tom hovered over Zendaya as their mouths connected longer than they ever had before. Zendaya pulled Tom's shirt off quickly and then hers. Their kissing quickly got heated and extremely passionate.

They carried on into the night, letting the alcohol take their sanity away.

The next morning when the pair would wake up in each other's arms, they would find clothes spewed around Tom's bedroom floor, their bodies bare, and protection, lying innocently on the ground with the clothes.

Sorry it's short and sorry for no big party drunk scene lol but I have plans for the next one... BIG PLANS

We've Got Tonight-- TomdayaWhere stories live. Discover now