.-*•~[Chapter 2]~•*-.

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Welcome Home

I woke up to feel dried tear stains on my face that run along down my cheeks. I held back tears as the memory from last night played in my head. I took a deep breath and changed out of my sleep wear, and after that, I tied my hair and walked downstairs to prepare breakfast. As I was trotting down the stairs, a delicious aroma hit me. The smell of pancakes to be exact. As I was at the last step, I was greeted by my father.

"Good morning, Princess! Did you sleep well?" He greeted me with a warm smile.

"I slept great, dad! But..." I dragged on. "About.. Adrien."

He looked at me questionably and asked what about him.

"I..." I hesitated and ran towards him and hugged him tightly as tears leaked out.

He petted my head and rubbed circles on my back to calm me down.

"Honey... If it's something personal then you don't have to tell me, but I am your father after all... so you can tell me anything..." He said.

I backed away and wiped my tears. "D-Dad.. *hic*... h-he... *sob+hic* I think he's... *sob* cheating on me with someone else... *hic*..."

He guided me to a chair and served the pancakes to me and calmed me down. I sniffed and wiped the tears away again and added the things I liked to my pancakes and ate it without thinking about what happened last night.


After breakfast, my father asked me if I wanted to move back to Paris. Of course I was happy, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to face Adrien and that girl he was with. I told him I would think about it and went to the park afterwards. I put on my mask and headphones with my hood over my head to avoid anyone who knows about my relationship with Adrien. I couldn't bare to even hear his name nor whoever this girl could be.

I sat on a nearby bench and hummed quietly to the song that was playing in my headphones. After, I went to a nearby café to pickup some macaroons and coffee for my father. It was a nice day outside, but it was really hot too. Way too hot to even be outside even. I got out my phone and checked the time.

'10:30... just great. Can't wait until it hits over 100 degrees soon...'

I sighed and put my phone away and teleported home in a nearby alleyway where no one can see me. When I arrived inside, my father was already gone. I sighed again and went upstairs to my room to feed Element. Me and Element still haven't gotten over the fact that we left Paris, but when Element found out that my dad was planning that we all were moving back, her mood brightened up. When she also found out about Adrian cheating on me, she decided to see for herself in her own dream teleportation... thingy; and today is the news from her to see if he actually is, since I just left immediately after I saw him with someone else.

I opened the door to my room to see Element come up to me with a sad look. I already knew what it meant, but I told her to tell me anyways.

"(Y-Y/n)... I think he might be... I-I'm not sure though.. since I can only stay for a few minutes..." She said and she rubbed her arm nervously.

I sighed and petted her small head with my index and said that she can eat some of the strawberry macaroons I bought. She nodded and left without saying another word.

'I guess I'll visit his dream again later tonight...'


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