.-*•~[Chapter 13]~•*-.

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Ladybug later came to finally finish the original akuma that came to Paris. Chat and I were able to sigh in relief and go home after the akuma was taken care of. Once I got home and de-transformed, I fell asleep from exhaustion since I was incredibly tired while Mullo went down to the kitchen to go eat.

Adrien's POV

"Plagg? Why did I say that earlier?" I asked.

"You mean the part where you revealed Lila to be your girlfriend as Adrien instead of Chat Noir, which revealed that you can be easily be found out by Souris, an unknown mouse themed superhero who just appeared last night?" Plagg said sarcastically.

"N-Not just that, Plagg–!!" I exclaimed, my face heating up. "Why did I have to confess what I did to (Y/n) to Souris?"

"I don't know, kid. You should be asking yourself that." He said before going back to his camembert.

I sighed and closed my eyes after laying on my bed.

"Souris... I have to talk to her tonight. She may be hiding something I don't know. How could she possibly just say Lila is a random name that came to her head?"

Back to Your POV

I woke up after an hour of sleeping and then heard a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I shouted.

The door opened to reveal Marinette. I smiled at her and patted the spot next to me, scooting over to let her sit.

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier, (Y/n)..." She played with her hair, not making eye contact. "You looked so exhausted because I wasn't there..."

"It's fine, Marinette!" I laughed. "I'm fine now after a bit of rest."

"You still look tired though. Did you have something on your mind...?" She asked, now looking at me.

"It's... probably not a good time to tell you right now..." I chuckled and pointed towards the window.

She looked over and laughed.

"Yeah, probably not." She smiled. "Looks like Chat won't leave us until we spill some of the tea."

I leaned near her ear while laughing.

"How about we act something out to get him out of our skin?" I whispered.

"But what should we act out?" She whispered back.

I pulled back and smirked, standing up and leading her over to my closet. I picked out a few random dresses and showed them to Marinette with a smile on my face.

"Which dress should I wear for my date tonight?" I asked.

From the look on her face, I could tell she's on the same page as I am. She hummed in response, looking between the dresses I randomly picked out.

"They all look really nice, (Y/n), but you never told me who you're going out with." She chuckled, amused at the act I'm playing right now.

"I'm not sure either." I laughed. "I got an anonymous love letter in my mail from a boy at school so I'm not sure who it is either."

She laughed and we both went downstairs. She then came close to my ear, a smile on her face.

"I saw him start looking sad at first then grew mad before leaving." She whispered, then snickered a bit. "Was it really necessary to say it was a date?"

I chuckled. "If I said something else he would've stayed and wouldn't let me talk."

"I guess that's kinda true." She laughed and we both went back to my bedroom. "So what's been on your mind?"

"Adrien... he didn't intend to cheat on me..."

"What do you mean?"

"He told me stuff when we were making sure the villain didn't escape after we called you. He was so honest to me as a new superhero of Paris..." I sighed and let out a small laugh. "He's so dumb sometimes, but I guess that's one of the reasons why I fell for him..."

I smiled and we changed topics so we don't start getting all sad. We talked for awhile until she had to leave.

"Patrol starts at our usual time!" She said before leaving out the door.

I looked at the time and saw I still had a few minutes before we had to patrol, so I had a quick bite before leaving. Rushing towards the place we usually meet, adrenaline filled my body as the piercing, cold air hit my face. I smiled since I haven't felt this way in so long. Landing on our usual building, I only see Chat Noir.

"I guess we're early, Chat~" I chimed, causing him to jump.

He turned to me while rubbing his nape, his face a bit red as he smiled nervously.

"I-I guess we are..." He chuckled before looking away.

He was sitting on the ledge as his hair softly swayed as the air brushed against it. My face heated up a bit as I sat next to him and stared at the stars.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?! I thought I moved on already–"

"Hey, Souris?" Chat's voice interrupted my thoughts.

I looked at him, but he kept his gaze upon the stars.

"Yes, Chat?" I hummed.

"We need to have a talk about something... something... personal..."
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~ Phoella here~~~
So I won't be updating that much anymore now that schools starting soon where I live :(
Yes, this is a cliffhanger until I'm able to update. For now, I'm just hoping school doesn't kill me so everything could work out. Anyways, I hope you guys at least enjoyed this chapter. Until next time~ :)
Au Revoir~!! <3

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