.-*•~[Chapter 10]~•*-.

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Marinette canceled the welcoming party after the incident after I left. I went back to Master Fu to give his potion back and thanking him for the help.

"(Y/n)?" He called my name. "Have you noticed anything wrong with Element?"

"Well..." I paused and looked over at Element, who was playing with the other kwamis. "I have noticed that she's been moving slower and her energy's been decreasing than usual."

"That's right." Master Fu nodded to my response and handed me a box. "It's almost the time for Queen Wolf to end it's legacy..."

I stared at the box, knowing it's almost time for me to part ways with my beloved friend. Element came over and saw the box. Her ears dropped and she sat on my hand. I laughed saddly.

"I... guess this is goodbye, Element..." I weeped.

She started crying as well and hugged my cheek as everyone else watched saddly. Element and me then parted ways, but luckily, I was still able to see her when I visit. I haven't told Marinette about the news, so she's probably expecting me to be at patrol. I sighed and laid on my bed after I got home from Marinette's. My silence got interrupted by a phone call, so I picked up my phone and answered it.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Where are you?" Marinette's voice rang through the phone. "Why aren't you here for patrol?"

"Ah, well..." I paused, then sighed. "Element's been getting worst and she can't fight anymore, so I'm left without a miraculous now."

"B-But aren't you a hybrid?"

"Yeah I am, but my powers from my parents are fading away from my body and they aren't useful in battle. They're mostly used to just look overpowering in a way." I groaned.

Marinette hanged up immediately, causing me to be confused as I stared at my phone. Then, loud banging was heard from my window. I rushed over and opened the window to find an out of breath Ladybug at my balcony. She shoved a box over to me and smiled.

"Miraculous..." She panted.

My eyes widened and I tried to give it back.

"I-I can't accept this!" I exclaimed and tried to give it back to her, but she pushed it back to me.

"Please..." She clenched her fist a bit. "Please just take it... Master Fu didn't mind for you to use another miraculous..."

"I-I..." I looked at the box and teared up a bit. "A-All right then... I'll keep it..."

She sighed in relief and embraced me tightly with the strength she had left since she was still exhausted. I smiled and embraced her back and later pulled away to meet an old friend.

"Let's make new adventures together, Mullo..."

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