.-*•~[Chapter 9]~•*-.

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"C-Chat Noir...?" His name squeaked out my throat.

He turned around. His eyes stared at me, filled with sorrow. It felt like time froze, my heart aching and beating loudly in my ears as I kept staring at him. I turned my glance away from him. I couldn't stare at him, not after everything that happened.

"(Y/n)? Do you not love me anymore?" He asked.

I could feel him still staring at me. I was silent.

"What happened to us? What happened to our promised marriage when we grow older? Why did you change??" He exclaimed, his voice fading.

The potion was wearing off, so I consumed another drop and sat down on Marinette's bed.

"What happened to us? You have to be kidding me, right?" I let out a small laugh and finally looked at him. "You cheated on me, you jerk..."

I wasn't going to play around with him anymore.

"You cheated on me with Lila. Everyone said so." I was angry, but I didn't want to burst it all out. "Why are you saying that I changed? I never changed. It was you who did..."

He was silent now. I stood up, walked closer to him, and went close to his ear, slowly taking out a small dagger I found before I came back to the bakery.

"Just give up on me already. My feelings for you are gone." I chuckled. "Also, I don't like your little games with my feelings, Lila."

After saying so, I attacked the illusion, which disappeared with a single slice. I went back downstairs, and everyone else was gone, meaning they were also illusions, expect for Marinette. I took out the antidote that Master Fu gave to me, a few seconds after I was about to leave, and sprinkled it on her. She faded back to normal and thanked me, asking if I got the akuma,  but I shook my head. I explained to her how it was a fake and that it was Lila's doing. Luckily, Marinette kept me updated about villians when I was away, and one of them was Lila, aka the villian who goes by Volpina.

"I see. I've always hated Lila." She clenched her fists. "She tried to take Nathaniel away from me and then tried to steal Adrien not long after you left Paris."

"I know it couldn't be Hawkmoth since he gave up his miraculous long ago." I sigh. "It may be possible she stole a miraculous or found a way to get her powers back."

I stared off through the windows, letting out another sigh.

"My heart hurts, but I have to move on if he's happier with her..."

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