.-*•~[Chapter 4]~•*-.

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"Warm" Welcomes

Everything was packed and being sent to Paris. Me and my father were already in the plane. It was a public one since we didn't want to bring up any attention for ourselves in a private one, but now that I think about it.. it applies to both. My phone suddenly vibrated. I unlocked it to see it was a text from Alex.

Alex: Hey, (Y/n)! I know you're probably shill on the plane.. but I wanted to say that I'm sorry. I should've said that nor should I have even told you. I just.. had to get it off my chest. I'm starting to feel better. I'm eating more than I should and making my mom proud. I... I hope you're doing ok. Say hi to your friends for me, alright?

I smiled and replied to him. Alright, I will! Just take care of yourself until the next time we see each other again! I sent it and he immediately replied.

I will! Oh! And say hi to Lucas for me! I heard he moved to Paris after you came back! His text read. I was confused.

Who's Lucas? I replied.

You don't remember?? It's the guy you used to have a crush on!

Ooohhh!! That Luka! But I already told you that it wasn't a crush!

"Wasn't" a crush. Then what was with you two being all lovey-dovey before?

Alex.. Please. We were just kids at that age. We were all stupid alright!

I wasn't stupid!

Then why were you talking to the wall during recess when we found you in 1st grade?

I just!! I don't know why ok?!

Uhh.. yeah you do~

No I don't! Anyways it's getting late. I should sleep before I get in trouble.

Alright! Sleep tight, (Nickname for Alex :))

Sleep tight, (N/n)! He replied and went offline. I chuckled.

I put my phone away and went to sleep. It was already the next day and we both left the airport with our stuff in a limo sent by Adrien's dad. The mansion I lived in was still there and was still owned by me, or more likely.. my mom. I helped unpack everything and visited my old friends, expect Adrien. I also played a visit to Luka who surprisingly was happy to see me. I went back home after my visits and decorated my room and the house with my father. We weren't able to finish, so we both went to sleep after the exhaustion we both had.


I'm sorry this was shorter than usual :/
I have school in about 2 more weeks and I want to prepare before it starts. So this story will still be on hold until I have the time. I may have to discontinue if I've lost interest or just too busy to update further, but it'll most likely be if I've lost interest since I'm not into the MLB fandom anymore :/ ). I hope you guys understand my decision.

Au Revoir~♡

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