.-*•~[Chapter 11]~•*-.

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"So..." I spoke awkwardly.

Marinette turned back to normal and Tikki and Mullo are now resting after playing for a while.

"Why did you go all out on getting me a miraculous?" I asked. "I already knew that the day Element is unable to fight would come, so why did you have to go get me a miraculous?"

"W-Well..." Marinette played with her fingers nervously. "Chat and everyone else who I gave a miraculous to wanted to give me one, y'know, as Marinette! So instead, I thought I'd give it to you instead..." She laughed nervously.

"So, you basically lied to everyone else that you were gonna give it to yourself as Marinette, but decided to give it to me after you called me about not having a miraculous anymore." I stared blankly at her.

"D-Don't take it the wrong way!" She exclaimed, her face turning red. "L-Listen! We need you on the battlefield, o-ok?! Y-You're really important to us in battle and you're so much stronger than us!"

I sighed and look at Mullo, who was sleeping peacefully. "Not anymore..."

"W-What...?" Marinette stuttered in shock. "W-What do you mean by that, (Y/n)?"

"Element wasn't a kwami that Master Fu kept. I found her in a forest around the age of 9 in the ruins and she immediately became one of my best friends." I chuckled. "She's not like Tikki or Plagg. She was created by force to be even stronger than the kwamis of creation and destruction..."

"B-But what does that have to do with what you said earlier?"

"She's grown weaker, Marinette... she can't fight like she used to..." I smiled sadly.

Marinette fell silent and looked down. I laughed a bit.

"At least she won't be risking her life too much." I smiled. "I hope she'll be proud of how much I've grown by how much she's taught me!"

Marinette looked back up at me in shock and we both laughed before transforming to go back to patrol.


"Everyone, this is, uhh--" Ladybug paused to let me say my new superhero name.

"U-Uhm..." I stuttered. "I... actually don't know what to name myself yet..."

I laughed nervously and rubbed my nape. Everyone concentrated their attention towards me and was in deep thought before agreeing on something.

"How about we call you Mousey until you figure out your superhero name?" Rena Rouge smiled.

"I-I guess you can call me that for the mean time..." I chuckled. "It's sad that Queen Wolf couldn't make it..."

"Yeah..." She sighed. "It would've been so amazing to see her fight so close up!"

My face heated up a bit from the comment and made me smile. I looked away to hide my slightly red face.

"Y-Yeah... it would have been nice to see that..." I chuckled.

"If only you guys knew..."

Marinette told me that she gave people in our classes a miraculous to help fight villains while I was away, so I knew everyone's identity. Now that I'm not Queen Wolf, everyone doesn't know my identity, so I was back at square one to being a hero with an unknown identity. I sighed and sat on the ledge of the building we were on and swayed my legs back and forth slightly, softly humming to myself.

"I don't trust her, Ladybug." Queen Bee whispered, but I can clearly hear her since my miraculous is a mouse. "Why can't we just have Queen Wolf instead?"

I could her that Ladybug hesitated and I sense her looking at me. I chuckled.

"Say, Queen Bee?" I smiled slightly.

"What?" She spat.

"Do you know what happened to Queen Wolf? Why she isn't here in my place?"


"Well, that's cause Queen Wolf isn't here anymore." I chuckled. "She can't be here for everyone anymore."

I heard her scoff and I was suddenly picked up and slammed into a wall on the roof. Queen Bee was in my view and boy, was she mad.

"Don't you dare say those things about her!" She yelled angrily. "I know she's not dead!"

"When did I say she was dead?" I laughed. "All I'm saying is that she can't fight to protect Paris anymore."

Queen Bee scoffed and everyone else sighed in relief knowing I wasn't hurt. Chat Noir doesn't know my identity now that I have a different miraculous, so he would bring up a few mouse/cheese pun. I headed home after a while and de-transformed.

"You really had to spill the tea, (Y/n)." Mullo sighed and laid on my head. "Can I get some food now? I haven't had food in so long."

"What would you like to eat then?" I laughed and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

"Something sweet and juicy sounds good." Mullo said hungrily and squeaked excitedly once she saw all the food. "Oh! This one looks good!"

She hurried over to the bright red apple in the fruit bowl and started eating it, smiling happily after a satisfying crunch. I laughed and fetched an apple for myself.

"If you'd like, you can sleep in the bed I made for Element." I smiled.

"Uhm, s-sure!" She squeaked and continued eating.

Adrien's POV~~~

"Hey, Plagg?" I called out after laying on my bed.

"What?" He replied as he ate his camembert.

"Is it true that Queen Wolf no longer can fight along side us now?" I asked.

Plagg didn't reply, so I kept my mouth shut since it may have been a personal question.

"Say, kid?"

"Yes, Plagg?"

"Why did you abandon (Y/n)?"

"Well... you see, Plagg..."

To be continued...
So, what would you name yourself if you were a mouse themed hero? :)

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