.-*•~[Chapter 12]~•*-.

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"(Y/n)?" Mullo called my name.

"Yes, Mullo?" I smiled.

It was already morning and Father gave a day off from school today after finding out Element is no longer with me. I told him he didn't have to, but he insisted. My career as a singer and model shattered a bit ever since the world found out about my relationship with Adrien ended with people believing I cheated since I moved back to my hometown.

"Since your dad gave you a day off today, how about you and me have fun exploring Paris?" She jumped excitedly. "I wanna see how the world looks like after millions of years ago!"

I laughed and told her I'll take her to a few of my favorite places. She squeaked excitedly and flew into my bag before we headed off. We went around town to explore sites and attractions of all sorts and even bought food for ourselves to munch on, but that all got interrupted by a big explosion not far from where we were. I sighed and transformed before dashing into the battlefield. Apparently a heartbroken civilian got akumatized and is transforming innocent couples to resent one another. I jumped onto a nearby building and scanned the area a bit.

"Everyone else isn't here yet. Where are they?"

My ear twitched so I immediately moved to the side as quickly as my reflexes would allow me to. I almost fell off the building, but I was able to catch myself before falling off the ledge. Picking myself back up, I tried contacting Ladybug while avoiding any attacks coming my way and saving any bystanders nearby to a more safer area.

"God please answer, Ladybug..." I said out loud and dodged another attack.

Without Element, I can't take on a villain on my own anymore like I used to in the past, but I guess that's also the part of learning to be an independent person with new people by my side as well. I gave up calling Ladybug and then tried Marinette's number.

"Hello?" She answered, making me sigh in relief.

"Thank god you answered!" I shouted. "Where are you right now?"

"I'm at school, where else would I be?" She laughed. "Also, why are you shouting so much?"

"There's a villain heading towards the Eiffel Tower. Please tell everyone at school to go home to avoid getting hurt!" I hung up on her and reached for my lasso.

I peaked around the corner where I was hiding for a while and spotted the villain not far from me. I threw my lasso at them and tightened it, bringing the villain down to the ground.

"Hopefully this'll save some time for Ladybug and everyone else to get here..."


I was out of breath and way too tired to run. The villain escaped a few times and the chase was tiring. Ladybug hasn't showed up yet, which worried me a lot. Only Chat Noir showed up to the scene to help make sure the villian doesn't escape.

"She isn't picking up." Chat groaned. "What else could she be doing that's much more important than saving Paris?"

"Beats me." I sighed. "I called her earlier to make sure everyone at Collège Françoise Dupont was transported to a safer area."

"Why the school?"

"Well there are a lot of people attending that school, so I thought that would be the first place to save. Besides, there's a lot of kids there who don't know how to protect themselves as well as others." I grunted as I pulled the villain back as they struggled. "Why don't you go scan the area to see if you could find Ladybug or another one of our partners?"

"What about you? You look really tired..." His ears dropped slightly looking at the state I'm in.

"I-I'll be fine! Just try to find LB so we can get this akuma over with." I exclaimed.

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