.-*•~[Chapter 6]~•*-.

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Luka dropped me off at my place and headed home afterwards. It didn't take long for him to text me afterwards.

Luka: Are you okay?
You: Yeah, I'm fine...
You: I just wished I didn't see him...
Luka: ...
Luka: (Y/n)?
You: ?
Luka: You know how we've been friends for a while now... Right?
You: Of course I know that!
Luka: I know you're having a hard time, but... If you were to ever get in a relationship again... Is there someone you had in mind...?
You: No...
You: Adrien was everything I could've asked for... So I never thought of going out with someone else...
You: But why are you asking me this...?
Luka: I just want to see you smiling and be happy. Besides, friends are there to make almost everyday of your life full of love right? :)
You: I guess...
You: I forgot to thank you for today... That was really nice of you :)
Luka: Anything to see you smile and filled with happiness :)

Me and Luka finished our conversation and the day ended pretty soon. I transformed into Queen Wolf and went out to get some fresh air for a bit. I landed on a building near the Eiffel Tower and sat there for a while, feeling the cold breeze brush against my skin.

"What a coincidence to see you here..."

Sorry it's a bit shorter than usual T-T
I've been busy, even though it's summer break and all. Life has just not been giving me any time for myself lately and I won't be able to publish much... But I hope you enjoyed this short chapter anyways.

Au Revoir~!! <3

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