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"Ah, thank you!" I smiled at Adrien as I grabbed the cotton candy that he handed me.

I took a small bite into the fluffy, sugary pink cloud and grinned.

"Wow~ This is good!" I exclaimed and took another bite.

Adrien smiled at me and ordered one for himself, seeing how I enjoyed mines so much. He decided to take us to the carnival as they were in town and it was also our break from school. Adrien also invited every one of our friends, but they went on their own to have their fun, so it was just me and him. He wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked through the carnival: enjoying rides and the food we ordered, the prizes we've won from games, and so much more. He then suggested we go on the Ferris wheel. It took a while, but then we arrived at the top.

"Wow~! The view is beautiful~!" I smiled widely.

Adrien caressed my cheek, turning my head so I can face him as he smiled, his face glowing from the sun shining from behind me.

"But not as beautiful as the view I see in front of me..." He said in a soft voice and gently kissed my lips.

I pushed him away with an awkward smile as my face grew hot. "Geez. No matter how many times you say those things, I always find myself getting flustered." I chuckled and cuddled against him. "I hate you, minou..."

He laughed and wrapped his arms around me as he pecked my forehead. "I love you too, mon chéri..."


❣ [ here is a short, heartwarming extra chapter that is unrelated to the story for the time being as the next chapter is still in progress ] ❣

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